Saturday 31 December 2011

Supreme Goddess separated out of part of Lord Shiva's body

शिवस्यार्धनारिश्वरावतरवर्णनं नाम तृतीयोऽध्यायः
Shiva's Ardhanarishwara incarnation description Chapter 3
नन्दीश्वर उवाच |
Nandishwara said (to Sanatkumara)
इत्युक्त्वा परमोदारं स्वभावमधुरं वचः |
पृथक्चकार वपुषो भागाद्देवीं शिवां शिवः || 13 ||
Having said that (to Lord Brahma "I am very satisfied; I will give you what you wish") in his naturally sweet speech, highly generous, Lord Shiva separated out wonderful Goddess Shivaa from a part (of his body).

Friday 30 December 2011

The eight well known idols

शतरुद्रसंहितायां शिवाष्टमूर्तिवर्णनं नाम द्वितीयोऽध्यायः
Shatrudra Samhita, Shiva's 8 idol description Chapter 2
नन्दीश्वर उवाच |
Nandishwara said (to Sanatkumara)
शर्वो भवस्तथा रुद्र उग्रो भीमः पशोः पतिः |
ईशानश्च महादेवो मूर्तयश्चाष्टविश्रुताः || 3 ||
Sharva, Bhava, Rudra, Ugra, Bhima, Pashupati, Ishana and Mahadeva are the eight well known idols.

Thursday 29 December 2011

War block and Rudra Samhita ends

विदलोत्पलदैत्यवधवर्णनं नामैकोनषष्टितमोऽध्यायः
Killing of the demons Vidala and Utpala – Chapter 59
ब्रह्मोवाच |
Brahma said (to Narada)
युद्धखण्डमिदं प्रोक्तं मया ते मुनिसत्तम |
रौद्रियसंहितामध्ये सर्वकामफलप्रदम् || 38 ||
इयं हि संहिता रौद्री संपूर्णा वर्णिता मया |
सदा शिवप्रियतरा भुक्तिमुक्तिफलप्रदा || 39 ||
Great Sage, this war block was spoken by me to you, in the Rudra Samhita, which gives fruits of all desires.
This Rudra Samhita has been described completely by me, always highly favourite of Lord Shiva and giver of enjoyments as well as liberation (moksha).

Wednesday 28 December 2011

God's duty

दुन्दुभिनिर्ह्राददैत्यवधवर्णनं नाम अष्टपञ्चाशत्तमोऽध्यायः
Dundubhi-Nirhrada (maternal uncle of Prahlada) demon killing Chapter 58
देवा उचुः |
Devas said (to Lord Shiva)
सदा रक्षा प्रकर्तव्या भक्तानां भक्तवत्सल |
वध्याः खलाश्च देवेश त्वया सर्वेश्वर प्रभो || 44 ||
God of the Devas, kind to devotees, (you) should always protect the devotees, and kill the evil people/demons, Lord, the God of everyone.

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Gajasura's body becomes a Shivalinga which gives moksha

ईश्वर उवाच |
God said (to Gajasura)
इदं पुण्यं शरीरं ते क्षेत्रेऽस्मिन्मुक्तिसाधने |
मम लिङ्गं भवत्वत्र सर्वेषां मुक्तिदायकम् || 66 ||
This your holy body, in this location which gives liberation (moksha), will now become my Linga (Shivalinga), which gives liberation (moksha) to everyone.

Monday 26 December 2011

Upper garment of God

गजासुरवधो नाम सप्तपञ्चाशत्तमोऽध्यायः
Gajasura's killing Chapter 57
गजासुर उवाच |
Gajasura said (to Lord Shiva)
यदि प्रसन्नो दिग्वसस्तदा नित्यं वसान मे |
इमां कृत्तिं महेशान त्वत्त्रिशूलाग्निपाविताम् || 58 ||
Great God, who is clothed in directions (unclothed), if you are pleased, this hide (skin) of me which has been made holy by the fire of your trident (is) always your garment.

Sunday 25 December 2011

God is fond of music

सनत्कुमार उवाच |
Sanatkumar said (to Sage Vyasa)
ततो नृत्यं महत्कृत्वा भगवान्भक्तवत्सलः |
उवाच बाणं संहृष्टो नृत्यगीतप्रियो हरः || 14 ||
Then after (Banasura's) performing a great (Tandava) dance, pleased God who is kind to the devotees, Lord Shiva, who likes dance and singing, spoke to Banasura.

Saturday 24 December 2011

God is sympathetic to his devotees

बाणासुरगणपत्वपदप्राप्तिवर्णनं नाम षट्पञ्चाशत्तमोऽध्यायः
Description of Banasura getting the status of head of Ganas – Chapter 56
नन्दीश्वर उवाच |
Nandishwara said (to Banasura who has lost his hands)
बाण शङ्करसद्भक्त माऽनुतापं कुरुष्व भोः |
भक्तानुकम्पी शंभुर्वै भक्तवत्सलनामधृक || 4 ||
Banasura, a good devotee of Lord Shiva, do not suffer. Lord Shiva is sympathetic to (his) devotees, who is called "kind to devotees".

Friday 23 December 2011

Lord Krishna is the supreme soul

बाणभुजकृन्तनगर्वापहारवर्णनं नाम पञ्चपञ्चाशत्तमोऽध्यायः
Cutting of the hands of Banasura and destroying his pride – Chapter 55
रुद्र उवाच |
Lord Rudra said (to Lord Krishna)
त्वं तु योगीश्वर साक्षात्परमात्मा जनार्दनः |
विचार्यतां स्वमनसा सर्वभूतहिते रतः || 37 ||
You are the Janardana, Yogi God, the visible supreme soul. You who are busy doing good to all creatures, should think with your own mind.

Thursday 22 December 2011

Chapter 53

ऊषाऽनिरुद्धविहारो नाम त्रिपञ्चाशत्तमोऽध्यायः
Usha and Aniruddha's behaviour Chapter 53
व्योमवाण्युवाच |
Voice from the sky said (to Banasura who wanted to kill Aniruddha)
शिवः सर्वेश्वरः साक्षी कर्मणां परमेश्वरः |
तदाधिनमिदं सर्वं जगद्वै सचराचरम् || 39 ||
Lord Shiva, the supreme God, is the God of everyone and the witness to all karma. All this world, moving and stationary, is dependent on him.

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Conch water is holy to all but Lord Shiva

शङ्खचूडवधोपाख्यानं नाम चत्वारिंशोऽध्यायः
Shankhachuda killing story Chapter 40
सनत्कुमार उवाच |
Sanatkumar said (to sage Vyasa)
अस्थिभिः शङ्खचूडस्य शङ्खजातिर्बभूव ह |
प्रशस्तं शङ्खतोयं च सर्वेषां शङ्करं विना || 33 ||
विशेषेण हरेर्लक्ष्म्याः शङ्खतोयं महत्प्रियम् |
संबन्धिनां च तस्यापि न हरस्य महामुने || 34 ||
From the bones of Shankhachuda a kind of conch emerged. Conch water is everywhere holy except to Lord Shiva.
Great sage, in particular, conch water is very dear to Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi and their relatives, but not of Shiva.

Tuesday 20 December 2011

God is never independent but impartial

शङ्खचूडवधे शिवदूतसंवादो नाम पञ्चत्रिम्शोऽध्यायः

Lord Shiva's messenger dialogue at Shankhachuda's killing – Chapter 35

महेश उवाच |

The great God said smiling (to Shankhachuda)
वयं भक्तपराधिना न स्वतन्त्राः कदापि हि |
तदिच्छया तत्कर्माणः न कस्यापि च पक्षिणः || 40 ||

We are dependent on the devotees. We are really never independent, doing according to their wishes, and not favouring anybody.

Monday 19 December 2011

One should not distinguish between Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu

आवयोर्भेदकर्ता यः स नरो नरकं व्रजेत् |
इहापि प्राप्नुयात्कष्टं पुत्रपौत्रविवर्जितः || 42 ||
A man who makes a distinction between two of us goes to hell. He also gets suffering here (on earth), and will not have sons or grandsons.

Sunday 18 December 2011

Rudra, the best form of Lord Shiva

शिव उवाच |
Lord Shiva said (to Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu)
कैलासवासिनं रुद्रं मद्रुपः पुर्णमुत्तमम् |
देवकार्यार्थमद्भुतं प्रुथगाकृतिधारिणम् || 39 ||
My form as Rudra, residing in Kailasha is the complete and the best form, which for various tasks of Devas takes on different shapes (forms/bodies).

Saturday 17 December 2011

Sudama born as Shankhachuda

शङ्खचूडवधे शिवोपदेशो नामैकत्रिम्शोऽध्यायः
Lord Shiva's advice at the killing of Shankhachuda – Chapter 31

श्रीकृष्ण उवाच |

Lord Krishna said (to Lord Shiva)

पार्षदप्रवरो यो मे सुदामा नाम गोपकः |
स राधाशापतः स्वामिन्दानवीं योनिमाश्रितः || 26 ||
अस्मानुद्धर दुर्गेश प्रसीद परमेश्वर |
शापोद्धारं कुरुष्वाद्य पाहि नः शरणागतान् || 27 ||

Lord, the great companion of mine, a cowherd by the name of Sudama because of being cursed by Radha took birth as a demon.
Please uplift (do good to) him, be pleased, Supreme God, the Lord of Goddess Durga, make the curse favourable today, protect who has come for refuge to us.

Friday 16 December 2011

The world above everything

Chapter 29
विष्णुरुवाच |
Lord Vishnu said (to Lord Brahma)
सर्वोपरि च यस्यास्ति शिवलोकः परात्परः |
यत्र संराजते शंभुः परब्रह्म परेश्वरः || 47 ||
Whose Shivaloka is above everything, higher than the highest, where he adorns (lives), Shambhu is the supreme element, the highest God.

Thursday 15 December 2011

Creation of Amla, Malti, Tulsi

सनत्कुमार उवाच |

Sanatkumar said (to sage Vyasa)

निक्षिप्तेभ्यश्च बीजेभ्यो वनस्पत्यस्त्रयोऽभवन् 
धात्री च मालती चैव तुलसी च मुनीश्वर 
|| 46 ||

Great sage, from the seeds thrown (on the ground where Vrinda immolated her body) three plants came into existence – Dhatri (Amla), Malti (Jasmine) and Tulsi.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Prayer to Goddess and destruction of Lord Vishnu's infatuation

देवीस्तुतिविष्णुमोहविध्वंसवर्णनं नाम षड्विम्शोऽध्यायः

Prayer to Goddess and destruction of Lord Vishnu's infatuation – Chapter 26

महेश्वर उवाच |

The great God said (to Brahma and the Devas)

हे ब्रह्मन्हे सुराः सर्वे मद्वाक्यं शृणुतादरात् |
मोहिनी सर्वलोकानां मम माया दुरत्यया || 14 ||
तदधीनं जगत्सर्वं यद्देवासुरमानुषम् |
तयैव मोहितो विष्णुः कामाधीनोऽभवद्धरि || 15 ||

Brahma and the Devas, all of you listen to my saying with respect. My
illusionary power (Maya), which causes the illusion in all the worlds,
is difficult to overcome. With which the whole universe is subordinate
to it, Devas, demons and humans, Lord Vishnu has been affected by
that. (Thus) Lord Vishnu came under the influence of desire.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Jalandhara killing description (continued)

जलन्धर उवाच |
Jalandhara said (to Lord Shiva)

मां न जानासि रुद्र त्वं त्रैलोक्यजयकारिणम् |
जलन्धरं महादैत्यं सिन्धुपुत्रं महाबलम् || 41 ||

Lord Rudra, you do not know me (who is) victorious over the three
worlds, Jalandhara, the great demon, son of the sea, highly powerful.

Monday 12 December 2011

Jalandhara killing description

जलन्धरवधवर्णनं नाम चतुर्विम्शोऽध्यायः / Jalandhara killing description Chapter 24

जलन्धर उवाच 
Jalandhara said (to Lord Shiva)

हन्तुं चराचरं सर्वं समर्थोऽहं सवासवम् 
को महेश्वर मद्बाणैरभेद्यो भुवनत्रये 
|| 31 ||

I am capable of killing all moving and stationary (living) beings, including Indra. Great God, who in the three worlds cannot be killed by my arrows?

Sunday 11 December 2011

Wise people should not fear death

जलन्धरयुद्धवर्णनं नाम द्वाविम्शोऽध्यायः
Description of the war with Jalandhara – Chapter 22
जलन्धर उवाच |
Jalandhara said (to his army of devils)
मृत्योर्भयं न कर्तव्यं कदाचित्कुत्रचिद्बुधैः |
अनिवार्यो यतो ह्येष उपायैर्निखिलैरपि || 19 ||
Wise people should not fear death ever anywhere since it is unavoidable even by all means.

Saturday 10 December 2011

No to eating other creatures

दूतसम्वादो नाम एकोनविम्शोऽध्यायः
Discussion with the messenger – Chapter 19
महेश्वर उवाच |
The Great God said (to the person who was about to eat up Rahu)
बुभुक्षा यदि तेऽतीव क्षुधा त्वां बाधते यदि |
संभक्षयात्मनः शीघ्रं मांसं त्वं हस्तपादयोः || 44 ||
If you have extreme hunger, if hunger is bothering you, eat up the flesh of your own hands and legs.

Friday 9 December 2011

Jalandhara falls in the trap

जलन्धर उवाच |
Jalandhara said (to Narada)
ब्रह्माण्डे यत्र कुत्रापि तद्रत्नं यदि वर्तते |
तदानेष्ये ततो ब्रह्मन्सत्यं सत्यं न संशयः || 43 ||
If such a jewel exists anywhere in the universe, then I will bring, true, absolutely true, no doubt.

Thursday 8 December 2011

The trap

देवर्षिजलन्धरसंवादो नामाष्टादशोऽध्यायः
Narada-Jalandhara discussion Chapter 18
नारद उवाच |
Narada said (to Jalandhara)
जायारत्नं महाश्रेष्ठं जलन्धर न ते गृहे |
तदानेतुं विशेषेण स्त्रीरत्नं वै त्वमर्हसि || 39 ||
Jalandhara, (you have all kinds of valuable things at home, but) you don't have the very best jewel-like wife. It is proper of you to bring such a jewel-like woman particularly.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Jalandhara emerges

जलन्धरोत्पत्तिविवाहवर्णनं नाम चतुर्दशोऽध्यायः
Jalandhara creation and marriage description Chapter 14
सनत्कुमार उवाच |
Sanatkumar said (to sage Vyasa)
अथो शिवस्य तत्तेजो भालनेत्रसमुद्भवम् |
क्षिप्तं च लवणाम्भोधौ सद्यो बालत्वमाप ह || 4 ||
Then the brilliant light which emerged from the (third) eye on the forehead of Lord Shiva when fell into the salty sea, achieved childhood (became a child).

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Burning the three cities

त्रिपुरदाहवर्णनं नाम दशमोऽध्यायः
Description of the burning of the three cities – Chapter 10
सनत्कुमार उवाच |
Sanatkumar said (to sage Vyasa, quoting what Devas said to Lord Shiva)
दग्धुं समर्थो देवेशो विक्षणेन जगत्त्रयं |
अस्मद्यशोविवृध्यर्थं शरं मोक्तुमिहार्हसि || 23 ||
The God of the Devas is capable of burning the three worlds by (just his) sight. For increasing our fame, it is proper for you to release the arrow (as the right time approaches for destroying the devils, which will burn the three cities.)

Monday 5 December 2011

Lord Vishnu teaching the Devas how to get Lord Shiva in their control

देवस्तुतिवर्णनं नाम सप्तमोऽध्यायः
Description of the prayer by the Devas – Chapter 7
विष्णुरुवाच |
Lord Vishnu said (teaching the Devas how to get Lord Shiva in their control)
प्रणवं पूर्वमुच्चार्य नमः पश्चादुदाहरेत् |
शिवायेति ततः पश्चाच्छुभद्वय मतः परम् || 25 ||
First the Pranava (Om) should be pronounced, then Namah should be said. After that, Shivaya. (These) two (words, Namah and Shivaya) are considered the most auspicious.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Mlechchhas should be killed to protect the good people

शिवस्तुतिवर्णनं नाम षष्ठोऽध्यायः
Description of the prayer to Lord Shiva – Chapter 6
ब्रह्मोवाच |
Lord Brahma said (to Lord Shiva)
अतस्त्वया महादेव सुरर्षिप्राणरक्षक |
साधूनां रक्षणार्थाय हन्तव्या म्लेच्छजातयः || 42 ||
Therefore, the Great God, the protector of the lives of Devas and sages, the mlechccha type (devils) should be killed by you for the protection of the good people.

Saturday 3 December 2011

Where there is Sanatana Dharma

त्रिपुरधर्मवर्णनं नाम तृतीयोऽध्यायः
Description of Dharma in the three cities – Chapter 3
विष्णुरुवाच |
Lord Vishnu said (to the Devas)
इदं सत्यं वचश्चैव यत्र धर्म सनातनः |
तत्र दुःखं न जायेत सूर्ये दृष्टे यथा तमः || 13 ||
This saying is true that where there is Sanatana Dharma, no sorrow/unhappiness emerges, like darkness when the sun is seen.

Friday 2 December 2011

Three sons of Tarakasura

रुद्रसंहितायां युद्धखण्डे त्रिपुरवर्णनं नाम प्रथमोऽध्यायः
Rudra Samhita, War block, Three city description Chapter 1
सनत्कुमार उवाच |
Sanatkumar said (to sage Vyasa)
शिवात्मजेन स्कन्देन निहते तारकासुरे |
तत्पुत्रास्तु त्रयो दैत्याः पर्यतप्यन्मुनिश्वर || 7 ||
तारकाख्यास्तु तज्ज्येष्ठो विद्युन्माली च मध्यमः |
कमलाक्षः कनीयांश्च सर्वे तुल्यबलाः सदा || 8 ||
Great Sage, after Skanda, the son of Shiva, killed Tarakasura, his (Tarakasura's) three demon sons practised penance.
Tarakaksha, the eldest, Vidyunmali, the middle, and Kamalaksha, the youngest were all equally strong always.

Thursday 1 December 2011

बुद्धिर्यस्य बलं तस्य

शिवाशिवावूचतुः |
The supreme Goddess and Lord Shiva said (to Lord Ganesha)
पुत्र ते विमला बुद्धिः समुत्पन्ना महात्मनः |
त्वयोक्तं यद्वचश्चैव ततश्चैव च नान्यथा || 50 ||
समुत्पन्ने च दुःखे च यस्य बुद्धिर्विशिष्यते |
तस्य दुःखं विनश्येत सूर्ये दृष्टे यथा तमः || 51 ||
बुद्धिर्यस्य बलं तस्य निर्बुद्धेस्तु कुतो बलं |
कूपे सिंहो मदोन्मत्तः शशकेन निपातितः || 52 ||
Son, your distinguished clear intelligence (has been) produced. What you said is such (truth), not otherwise.
When in sorrow (difficulty), one whose intelligence distinguishes itself, his sorrow gets destroyed like the darkness on seeing the sun.
One who has intelligence has strength. Where is the strength of the unintelligent? The rabbit got the arrogant lion to fall in the well (by showing him an adversary in the reflected image in the well).

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Prelude to Ganesha's marriage

गणेशविवाहोपराक्रमो नामैकोनविंशोऽध्यायः
Ganesha marriage prelude Chapter 19
गणेश उवाच |
Lord Ganesha said (to God and the supreme Goddess)
भवतोः पूजनं कृत्वा शिवाशंकरयोरहम् |
स्वबुद्ध्या हि समुद्रान्तपृथ्वीकृतपरिक्रमः || 37 ||
I, having worshipped you Shivaa and Shiva, with my intelligence have really circumambulated the earth at the end of the ocean.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

The child revived

तं दृष्ट्वा जीवितं बालं शिवापुत्रं मुनीश्वर |
सर्वे मुमुदिरे तत्र सर्वं दुखं क्षयं गतम् || 58 ||
After seeing the child alive (revived), everyone there became happy, all the unhappiness disappeared.

Monday 28 November 2011

Head of the first one coming from the north

ब्रह्मोवाच |
Brahma said (to Narada)
उत्तरस्यां पुनर्यायात् प्रथमं यो मिलेदिह |
तच्छिरश्च समाहृत्य योजनीयं कलेवरे || 47 ||
The first one who is met coming from the north, its head should be taken and joined to (Ganesha's) body.

Sunday 27 November 2011

Ganesha has to be revived

देव्युवाच |
Goddess said (to everyone there)
मत्पुत्रो यदि जीवेत तदा संहारणं न हि |
यथा हि भवतां मध्ये पूज्योऽयं च भविष्यति || 42 ||
सर्वाध्यक्षो भवेदद्य यूयं कुरुत तद्यदि |
तदा शान्तिर्भवेल्लोके नान्यथा सुखमाप्स्यथ || 43 ||
No destruction if my son lives (is revived), such that he will become worshippable in your midst.
If you make him the head of everyone today, then there will be peace in the world, otherwise you will not get happiness.

Saturday 26 November 2011

Chapter 17 (Continued)

नारद उवाच |
Narada said (to everyone there)
यावच्च गिरिजा देवी कृपां नैव करिष्यति |
तावन्नैवं सुखं स्याद्वै नात्र कार्या विचारणा || 29 ||
As long as Goddess Parvati does not do a favour (show mercy), there cannot be happiness; there is nothing to think about it.

Friday 25 November 2011

Chapter 17

गणेशजीवनवर्णनं नाम सप्तदशोऽध्यायः
Ganesha revival description Chapter 17
ब्रह्मोवाच |
Brahma said (to Narada)
विष्णुर्वापि तथा ब्रह्मा शङ्करश्च तथा प्रभुः |
न कश्चिद्गिरिजाग्रे च स्थातुं शक्तोऽभवन्मुने || 24 ||
Narada, be it Vishnu, Brahma or God Shiva, nobody was able stand in front of (angry) Goddess Parvati.

Thursday 24 November 2011

A battle unheard of

ते सर्वे मिलिताश्चैव मुहुर्नत्वा शिवं तदा |
अब्रुवन्वचनं क्षिप्रं कोऽयं गणवरः प्रभो || 62 ||
पुरा चैव श्रुतं युद्धमिदानीं बहुधा पुनः |
दृश्यते न श्रुतं दृष्टमीद्रुशं तु कदाचन || 63 ||
किञ्चिद्विचार्यतां देव त्वन्यथा न जयो भवेत् |
त्वमेव रक्षकः स्वामिन्ब्रह्माण्डस्य न संशयः || 64 ||
They all gathered and again bowed to Lord Shiva then and said quickly "God, who is this great assistant?"
In the past and now, (we have) heard of battles/wars in many ways, but never have we seen nor heard what we are seeing (here).
God, think of something, otherwise (we) will not win. You alone are the protector and the Lord of the universe, no doubt.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

One child is churning the whole army

एको बालोऽखिलं सैन्यं लोडयामास दुस्तरम् |
यथा गिरिवरेणैव लोडितः सागरः पुरा || 50 ||
One child is badly churning the whole army, just like the ocean was churned by the great mountain (Mandara) in the past.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

One energy created in the form of electricity with many hands

ब्रह्मोवाच |
Brahma said (to Narada)
एका विद्युत्स्वरूपा च बहुहस्तसमन्विता |
भयङ्करा महादेवी दुष्टदण्डविधायिनी || 47 ||
One (energy created and given by the supreme Goddess, the mother of the universe to Ganesha) was in the form of electricity equipped with many hands, frightening great Goddess, who would inflict punishment on the wicked.

Monday 21 November 2011

The child with a stick defeated the assistants of Lord Shiva

शिव उवाच |
Lord Shiva said (to Brahma)
ब्रह्मञ्छृणु मम द्वारि बाल एकः समास्थितः |
महाबली यष्टिपाणिर्गेहावेशनिवारकः || 27 ||
महाप्रहारकर्ताऽसौ मत्पार्षदविघातकः |
पराजयः कृतस्तेन मद्गणानां बलादिह || 28 ||
Listen Brahma, one child has stationed himself at my door, (who is) very strong, with a stick in hand, and prevents entry into the house. He hits very hard, killer of my assistants, defeated my assistants with force here.

Sunday 20 November 2011

War with Ganesha

गणेशयुद्धवर्णनं नाम पञ्चदशोऽध्यायः
Ganesha war description Chapter 15
गणेश उवाच |
Ganesha said (to one friend of Parvati)
आयातु गणपाः सर्वे शिवाज्ञापरिपालकाः |
अहमेकश्च बालश्च शिवाज्ञापरिपालकः || 3 ||
तथापि पश्यतां देवी पार्वतिसूनुजं बलम् |
शिवश्च स्वगणानां तु बलं पश्यतु वै पुनः || 4 ||
Let all the heads of the assistants who obey orders of Lord Shiva come. And I am (just) one, and a child who obeys the orders of Goddess Shivaa. Still, Devi, let us see the strength born of Parvati's son. Then again let us see the strength of Lord Shiva's own assistants.

Saturday 19 November 2011

A war should be fought with that boy guarding the door

तस्मात्सर्वे च मद्वीराः शृणुतादरतो वचः |
कर्तव्यं सर्वथा युद्धं भावि यत्तद्भवत्विति || 62 ||
And therefore, all my brave (assistants), listen my words with respect. The war should be fought; future is what will happen.

Friday 18 November 2011

What can one boy alone do against an army?

गणविवादवर्णनं नाम चतुर्दशोऽध्यायः
Assistants' brawl description Chapter 14
महादेव उवाच |
The great God said (to his assistants)
एकाकी स गणो बालः किं करिष्यति विक्रमं || 59 ||
भवन्तश्च गणा लोके युद्धे चातिविशारदाः |
मदीयाश्च कथं युद्धं हित्वा यास्यथ लाघवम् || 60 ||
What power will that assistant child alone show? You assistants are the great experts of war in this world. How do my (assistants) leave a war and achieve lowliness?

Thursday 17 November 2011

Chapter 13 (Continued)

ब्रह्मोवाच |
Brahma said (to Narada)
इत्युक्त्वा प्रविशन्तं तं महेशं गणनायकः |
क्रोधं कृत्वा ततो विप्र दण्डेनाताडयत्पुनः || 37 ||
Brahmin (Narada), (the God) having said that, the head of the assistants (Ganesha) after getting angry hit him, the great God, while (trying to) enter (the home).

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Nobody allowed to go inside the house

गणेशोत्पत्तिवर्णनं नाम त्रयोदशोऽध्यायः
Ganesh creation description Chapter 13
महादेव उवाच |
The great God said (angrily to the boy guarding the door, having been hit by the boy with the stick)
मूर्खोऽसि त्वं न जानासि शिवोऽहं गिरिजापतिः |
स्वगृहं यामि रे बाल निषेधसि कथं हि माम् || 36 ||
You are a fool. You do not know that I am Shiva, the husband of Parvati. I am going to my own home, you kid. How are you prohibiting me?

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Kartikeya promises to kill Tarakasura

तारकासुरवधदेवोत्सववर्णनं नाम दशमोऽध्यायः
Description of killing of Tarakasura and celebration by Devas – Chapter 10
कुमार उवाच |
Kartikeya said (to the mountains, Devas, Gandharvas, Kinnaras)
मा खिद्यतां महाभागा मा चिन्तां कुर्वतां नगाः |
घातयाम्यद्य पापिष्ठं सर्वेषां वः प्रपश्यताम् || 27 ||
Highly fortunate mountains, do not feel sorry, do not worry; I will the kill the sinner today while all of you are watching.

Monday 14 November 2011

Amazing behaviour of Kartikeya

कुमाराद्भुतचरितवर्णनं नाम षष्ठोऽध्यायः
Description of amazing behaviour of the boy – Chapter 6
कार्तिक उवाच |
Kartikeya said (to Narada)
वधयोग्यो न विप्राजः स्वगृहं गच्छ नारद |
पूर्णोऽस्तु तेऽध्वरः सर्वः प्रसादादेव मे कृतः || 32 ||
Brahmin Narada, the goat does not deserve to be killed, go to your own home. Your sacrifice is completed; all the offerings have been done by me.

Sunday 13 November 2011

Vishwamitra is a Brahmarshi because of the boon

शिवसुत उवाच |
Son of Shiva, Kartikeya said (to Vishwamitra)
विश्वामित्र वरान्मे त्वं ब्रह्मर्षिर्नात्र संशयः |
वसिष्ठाद्याश्च नित्य त्वां प्रशंसिष्यन्ति चादरात् || 12 ||
Vishwamitra, (because of) my boon (to you), no doubt here that (you are a) Brahmarshi (a Sage of the highest level), and Vasishtha, etc. will everyday/always praise you and (that too) with respect.

Saturday 12 November 2011

Vishwamitra was a Kshatriya

कार्तिकेयलीलावर्णनं नाम तृतीयोऽध्यायः
Kartikeya's child behaviour description Chapter 3
विश्वामित्र उवाच |
Vishwamitra said (to Kartikeya)
शृणु तात न विप्रोऽहं गाधिक्षत्रियबालकः |
विश्वामित्रेति विख्यातः क्षत्रियो विप्रसेवकः || 9 ||
Listen, son, I am not a Brahmin, but a Kshatriya, son of Gadhi. I am known as Kshatriya Vishwamitra, a servant of Brahmins.

Friday 11 November 2011

Son of Shiva is born

शिवपुत्रजननवर्णनं नाम द्वितीयोऽध्यायः
Description of birth of son of Shiva – Chapter 2
ब्रह्मोवाच |
Brahma said (to Narada)
मार्गमासे सिते पक्षे तिथौ षष्ठ्यां मुनीश्वर |
प्रादुर्भावोऽभवत्तस्य शिवपुत्रस्य भूतले || 68 ||
Great sage, in the month of Margashirsa, in the bright fortnight, on the sixth day, the appearance of that son of God happened on the earth.

Thursday 10 November 2011

Boy's block starts

कुमारखण्डे शिवविहारवर्णनं नाम प्रथमोऽध्यायः
Boys' block Shiva's pastime/pleasure description Chapter 1
विष्णुरुवाच |
Lord Vishnu said (to Brahma)
चिन्ता नास्ति जगद्धातः सर्वं भद्रं भविष्यति |
शरणं व्रज देवेश शङ्करस्य महाप्रभोः || 25 ||
महेशशरणापन्ना ये जना मनसा मुदा |
तेषां प्रजेश भक्तानां न कुतश्चिद्भयं क्वचित् || 26 ||
There is no (reason to) worry for the creator of the world. All good/auspicious will happen. God of the Devas, take refuge in the great God Shiva.
Brahma, people who have gladly taken refuge in the great God, those devotees have no fear of any kind anywhere.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

So gave Himachala his daughter to the Great Rudra

ब्रह्मोवाच |
Brahma said (to Narada)
तस्मै रुद्राय महते मन्त्रेणानेन दत्तवान् |
हिमाचलो निजां कन्यां पार्वतीं त्रिजगत्प्रसूम् || 39 ||
Himachala gave his own daughter Parvati, the mother of the three worlds, to that Great Rudra with this mantra (statement).

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Chapter 48 (Continued)

हिमालय उवाच |
Himalaya said (to God)
इमां कन्यां तुभ्यमहं ददामि परमेश्वर |
भार्यार्थं परिगृह्णीष्व प्रसीद सकलेश्वर || 38 ||
Supreme God, I am giving you this girl to be your wife. God of everything, be pleased and accept (her).

Monday 7 November 2011

Lord Shiva is the same as the primordial sound

शिवो नादमयः सत्यं नादः शिवमयस्तथा |
उभयोरन्तरं नास्ति नादस्य च शिवस्य च || 28 ||
Shiva truly consists of the (primordial Om) sound; similarly the (primordial Om) sound is Shiva. There is no difference between the two, the sound and Shiva.

Sunday 6 November 2011

At God's marriage - Chapter 48

कन्यादानवर्णनं नामाष्टचत्वारिंशोऽध्यायः
Description of giving of the girl (in marriage) – Chapter 48
नारद उवाच |
Narada said (to Himalaya)
अस्य गोत्रं कुलं नाम नैव जानन्ति पर्वत |
विष्णुब्रह्मादयोऽपीह परेषां का कथा स्मृता || 16 ||
यस्यैकदिवसे शैल ब्रह्मकोटिर्लयं गता |
स एव शङ्करस्तेऽद्य दृष्टः कालीतपोबलात् || 17 ||
अरुपोऽयं परब्रह्म निर्गुणः प्रकृतेः परः |
निराकारो निर्विकारी मायाधीशः परात्परः || 18 ||
अगोत्रकुलनामा हि स्वतन्त्रो भक्तवत्सलः |
तदिच्छया हि सगुणः सुतनुर्बहुनामभृत् || 19 ||
Even Vishnu, Brahma, etc. here do not know this one's (God's) lineage, family, (or his) name; what to talk of others.
Mountain, in whose one day, a crore (or large number) of Brahmas (their lives) come to an end, he is that Shiva visible here because of the strength of Kali's penance.
This (fellow is) formless, the supreme element, without characteristics, beyond Prakriti, without shape, without defects, the Lord of Maya, and higher than the highest.
Without a surname and lineage, (he is) really independent, kind to the devotees. Only through his wish does he take a body with a form, with several names.

Saturday 5 November 2011

Criticism and self-criticism

शिवमायावर्णनं नामैकत्रिंशोऽध्यायः
Shiva's delusionary power description Chapter 31
ब्रह्मोवाच |
Brahma said (to the Devas)
परनिन्दा विनाशाय स्वनिन्दा यशसे मता || 23 ||
Criticism of others leads to destruction; self-criticism is believed to lead to fame.

Friday 4 November 2011

Purusha and Prakriti

शिवाशिवसंवादवर्णनं नामैकोनत्रिंशोऽध्यायः
Parvati-Shiva dialogue description Chapter 29
पार्वती उवाच |
Parvati said (to Lord Shiva)
त्वमात्मा प्रकृतिश्चाहं नात्र कार्या विचारणा |
स्वतन्त्रौ भक्तवशगौ निर्गुणौ सगुणावापि || 30 ||
You are the (universal, supreme) soul and I am the Prakriti (Maya); there is nothing to think (about this). We are formless as well as with form, independent but under the control of devotees.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Chapter 28

पार्वत्याः शिवरुपदर्शनं नामाष्टाविंशोऽध्यायः
Sight of Shiva-form by Parvati – Chapter 28
पार्वती उवाच |
Parvati said (to the Brahmana who criticised Lord Shiva)
शिवेति मङ्गलनाम मुखे यस्य निरन्तरं |
तस्यैव दर्शनादन्ये पवित्राः सन्ति सर्वदा || 20 ||
One whose mouth always has the auspicious name Shiva, by just his sight other people always become holy.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Value of Guru's words

सप्तर्षिकृत परीक्षावर्णनं नाम पञ्चविंशोऽध्यायः
Description of test by the Seven sages – Chapter 25
पार्वती उवाच |
Parvati said (to the seven sages)
सुरर्षेर्वचनं पथ्यं त्यक्षे नैव कदाचन |
गुरूणां वचनं पथ्यमिति वेदविदो विदुः || 58 ||
गुरूणां वचनं सत्यमिति येषां दृढा मतिः |
तेषामिहामुत्र सुखं परमं नासुखं क्वचित् || 59 ||
Narada's words are for good. I will never give them up. One who knows the Vedas knows that Guru's statements are for good.
One who strongly believes that Guru's statements are (always) true (gets) the highest happiness in this world as well as the other world, and never (gets) unhappiness.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

God agrees to marry Parvati to have a son

नास्ति यद्यपि मे कस्चिद्विहारकरणे रुचिः |
विवाहयिष्ये गिरिजां पुत्रोत्पादनहेतवे || 75 ||
Although I have no interest whatsoever in pleasure, I will marry Parvati for the purpose of producing a son.

Monday 31 October 2011

Whenever any misfortune/adversity occurs to devotees

महादेव उवाच |
The great God said (to the Devas)
यदा यदा विपत्तिर्हि भक्तानां भवति क्वचित् |
तदा तदा हराम्याशु तत्क्षणात्सर्वशः सदा || 73 ||
Whenever any misfortune/adversity occurs to devotees, I always quickly take (it) away at that moment from all sides.

Sunday 30 October 2011

The Great God will do anything for his devotees

पार्वतीविवाहस्वीकारो नाम चतुरविंशोऽध्यायः
Parvati marriage acceptance Chapter 24
नन्दीश्वर उवाच |
Nandishwara said (to the Devas)
भक्तेर्वश्यो महादेवो न साधारणतः सुराः |
अकार्यमपि सद्भक्त्या करोति परमेश्वर || 40 ||
Devas, the great God can be influenced/controlled by devotion, not usually. With good devotion, the greatest God does even things which should not be done.

Saturday 29 October 2011

The name Aparna

पार्वतीतपोवर्णनं नाम द्वाविंशोऽध्यायः
Parvati penance description Chapter 22
ब्रह्मोवाच |
Brahma said (to Narada)
आहारे तयक्तपर्णाऽभूद्यस्माद्धिमवतः सुता |
तेन देवैरपर्णेति कथिता नामतः शिवा || 49 ||
Having become free from the diet of leaves, Shivaa, the daughter of Himavan was therefore called by the name Aparna by the Devas.
The supreme Goddess no longer ate anything, stood on one leg repeating the five-lettered mantra.

Friday 28 October 2011

The king of all mantras

नारद उवाच |
Narada said (to Parvati)
मन्त्रोऽयं सर्वमन्त्राणामधिराजश्च कामदः |
भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदोऽत्यन्तं शङ्करस्य महाप्रियः || 36 ||
This (five-lettered) mantra is the king of all mantras, giver of all desires, enjoyments, liberation (moksha), extremely highly favourite of Shiva.

Thursday 27 October 2011

The supreme Goddess gets the five-lettered mantra

ब्रह्मोवाच |
Brahma said (to Narada)
इति श्रुत्वा वचस्तस्याः पार्वत्या मुनिसत्तमः |
पञ्चाक्षरं शंभुमन्त्रं विधिपूर्वमुपादिशः || 33 ||
Great sage, having heard her this statement from Parvati, you taught the five-lettered Shiva mantra (Namah Shivaya) with a proper procedure.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

The supreme Goddess wants a mantra from Narada

नारदोपदेशो नामैकविंशोऽध्यायः
Narada's teaching/advice Chapter 21
शिवोवाच |
Goddess Shivaa said (to Narada)
त्वं तु सर्वज्ञ जगतामुपकारकर प्रभो |
रुद्रस्याराधनार्थाय मन्त्रं देहि मुने हि मे || 31 ||
न सिद्ध्यति क्रिया कापि सर्वेषां सद्गुरुं विना |
मया श्रुता पुरा सत्यं श्रुतिरेषा सनातनी || 32 ||
Lord (Narada), you are really omniscient who does good to the world. Sage, for praying to Rudra, give me a mantra.
No work/procedure of anyone succeeds without a good Guru, I have heard in the past this true eternal fact from Shrutis.

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Kamadeva can corrupt anyone

शक्रकामसंवादवर्णनं नाम सप्तदशोऽध्यायः
Indra-Kamadeva discussion description Chapter 17
काम उवाच |
Kamadeva said (to Indra)
ब्रह्माणं वा हरिं वापि भ्रष्टं कुर्यां न संशयः |
अन्येषां गणना नास्ति पातयेय हरं त्वपि || 22 ||
I can corrupt Brahma or Vishnu, no doubt. Others are nothing; Even Shiva can be made to fall.

Monday 24 October 2011

Tarakasur accepts a way to die

तारकासुरतपोराज्यवर्णनं नाम पञ्चदशोऽध्यायः
Tarakasura penance description Chapter 15
तारक उवाच |
Tarakasura said (to Brahma)
शिववीर्यसमुत्पन्नः पुत्रः सेनापतिर्यदा |
भूत्वा शस्त्रं क्षिपेन्मह्यं तदा मे मरणं भवेत् || 41 ||
My death may occur when a son produced from the semen of Shiva, after becoming an army commander, throws a weapon at me.

Sunday 23 October 2011

God allows the supreme Goddess to do service

महादेव उवाच |
The great God said (to Parvati)
इत्येवं त्वं यदि ब्रूषे गिरिजे सांख्यधारिणि |
प्रत्यहं कुरु मे सेवामनिषिद्धां सुभाषिणि || 23 ||
Good speaker, an expert on Samkhya, if you just say so, do service to me everyday without being forbidden.

Saturday 22 October 2011

Saguna form of God possible only because of the supreme Goddess

मदनुग्रहतस्त्वं हि सगुणो रुपवान्मतः |

मां विना त्वं निरीहोऽसि न किंचित्कर्तुमर्हसि || 19 ||
पराधिनः सदा त्वं हि नानाकर्मकरो वशी |
निर्विकारी कथं त्वं हि न लिप्तश्च मया कथम् || 20 ||
प्रकृते परमोऽसि त्वं यदि सत्यं वचस्तव |
तर्हि त्वया न भेतव्यं समीपे मम शंकर || 21 ||
Because of my favour only is your Saguna form possible. Without me you would be inactive; you would not be able to do anything.
You are always dependent, doing several things. How are you without defects? How are you not affected by me?
Shiva, if it is true that you are above Prakruti then you have nothing to fear in my presence/vicinity.

Friday 21 October 2011

God has to accept the influence of Prakriti

काल्युवाच |
Kali (Parvati) said (to God)
यदुक्तं भवता योगिन्वचनं शंकर प्रभो |
सा च किं प्रकृतिर्न स्यादतीतस्तां भवान्कथम् || 10 ||
एतद्विचार्य वक्तव्यं तत्वत्तो हि यथातथम् |
प्रकृत्या सर्वमेतच्च बद्धमस्ति निरन्तरं || 11 ||
तस्मात्त्वया न वक्तव्यं न कार्यं किंचिदेव हि |
वचनं रचनं सर्वं प्राकृतं विद्धि चेतसा || 12 ||
यच्छृणोषि यदश्नासि यत्पश्यसि करोषि यत् |
तत्सर्वं प्रकृतेः कार्यं मिथ्यावादो निरर्थकः || 13 ||
प्रकृतेः परमश्चेत्त्वं किमर्थं तप्यसे तपः |
त्वया शंभोऽधुना ह्यस्मिन्गिरौ हिमवति प्रभो || 14 ||
प्रकृत्या गिलितोऽसि त्वं न जानासि निजं हर |
निजं जानासि चेदीश किमर्थं तप्यते तपः || 15 ||
God Shiva, Yogi, the statement which was said by you, what is it if not Prakruti? Then how are you are beyond Prakruti?
This should be thought about before speaking in any way about the fundamentals. All this is bound by Prakruti forever/continuously.
Therefore, you should not speak nor do work of any sort. Know insightfully speech, construction, etc. - everything to be Prakruta.
Whatever you listen, eat, see, do is all because of Prakruti; no use of hypocrisy.
God Shiva, if you are superior to Prakruti, they why do you do penance here on this mountain Himalaya?
Shiva, you are swallowed by Prakruti, you do not know yourself. God, if you know yourself, then why would one do penance?

Thursday 20 October 2011

God says he destroys Prakriti by penance

महेश्वर उवाच |
The great God said (to Parvati)
तपसा परमेणैव प्रकृतिं नाशयाम्यहम् |
प्रकृत्या रहितः शंभुरहं तिष्ठामि तत्त्वतः || 7 ||
With the highest penance I destroy the Prakruti. Free from Prakruti, I, Shiva, remain in my element.
This was asking for trouble. Now God gets an earful.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

The supreme Goddess responds

पार्वतीपरमेश्वरसंवादवर्णनं नाम त्रयोदशोऽध्यायः
Parvati - supreme God discussion description Chapter 13
भवान्युवाच |
Parvati said (to God)
सा शक्तिः प्रकृतिर्ज्ञेया सर्वेषामपि कर्मणाम् |
तया विरच्यते सर्वं पाल्यते च विनाश्यते || 3 ||
Know that energy as Prakruti which is also in all deeds (karma). With that everything is constructed, maintained and destroyed.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Ascetics should keep away from women

अतस्तपस्विना शैल न कार्या स्त्रीषु संगतिः |
महाविषयमूलं सा ज्ञानवैराग्यनाशिनी 
|| 33 ||

Mountain, therefore, an ascetic practising austerities should not have contact with women. She (any woman) is the cause of a lot of sense attachment and a destroyer of asceticism and knowledge.

God has said all this in front of Parvati. Now God gets a response from her.

Monday 17 October 2011

God warns Himalaya again not to bring his daughter

महेश्वर उवाच |
The great God said (laughing, to Himalaya)
इयं कुमारी सुश्रोणी तन्वी चन्द्रानना शुभा |
नानेतव्या मत्समीपे वारयामि पुनः पुनः || 28 ||
This thin girl (Parvati) with a nice waist and an auspicious moon-like face shall not be brought near me – I forbid/warn you again and again.

Sunday 16 October 2011

Himalaya wants to see the great God everyday

शिवहिमाचलसंवादवर्णनं नाम द्वादशोऽध्यायः
Shiva-Himalaya dialogue description Chapter 12
महेश्वर उवाच |
The great God (just opened the eyes and) said (to Himalaya)
आगन्तव्यं त्वया नित्यं दर्शनार्थं ममाचल |
कुमारीं सदने स्थाप्य नान्यथा मम दर्शनम् || 24 ||
Mountain, you are (welcome) to come daily to see me, keeping the girl (Parvati) at (your) home, otherwise you don't get to see me.