Monday 31 December 2012

Nandikeshwara Incarnation

नन्दीकेश्वरावतारवर्णनं नाम षष्ठोऽध्यायः 
Nandikeshwara incarnation Chapter 6

शिव उवाच |
Lord Shiva said (to Shilada)

तव पुत्रो भविष्यामि नन्दी नाम्ना त्वयोनिजः |
पिता भविष्यसि मम पितुर्वै जगतां मुने || 34 ||
I will become your son with the name Nandi, without a womb. Sage, you will be the father of me, really the father of the universe.

Sunday 30 December 2012

Nandikeshwara Incarnation

नन्दीकेश्वरावतारवर्णनं नाम षष्ठोऽध्यायः 
Nandikeshwara incarnation Chapter 6

शक्र उवाच |
Indra said (to Shilada)

अहं च विष्णुर्भगवान्द्रुहिणश्च महामुने |
अयोनिजं मृत्युहीनं पुत्रं दातुं न शक्नुमः || 15 ||
आराधय महादेवं तत्पुत्रविनिकाम्यया |
सर्वेश्वरो महाशक्तः स ते पुत्रं प्रदास्यति || 16 ||
Great sage, I and Lord Vishnu as well as Lord Brahma are not capable of giving (you) a son free from death and not born from a womb.
Pray to Lord Mahadeva with your desire for a son. God of everyone/everything is highly powerful; he will give you (such) a son.

Friday 28 December 2012

Shivaa merges back in Shiva

शिवस्यार्धनारीश्वरावतरवर्णनं नाम तृतीयोऽध्यायः
Shiva's Ardhanarishwara incarnation description Chapter 3

नन्दीश्वर उवाच |
Nandishwara said (to Sanatkumara)

दत्त्वैवमतुलां शक्तिं ब्रह्मणे सा शिवा मुने |
विवेश देहं शंभोर्हि शम्भुश्चान्तर्दधे प्रभुः || 28 ||
Sage, that Goddess Shivaa having thus given incomparable power to Lord Brahma, (re-)entered Lord Shiva's body only, and (then) Lord Shiva entered into his own state (disappeared).

Thursday 27 December 2012

Shiva's Ardhanarishwara Incarnation

शिवस्यार्धनारीश्वरावतरवर्णनं नाम तृतीयोऽध्यायः
Shiva's Ardhanarishwara incarnation description Chapter 3

ब्रह्मोवाच |
Brahma said (to the supreme Goddess Shivaa)

दक्षस्य मम पुत्रस्य पुत्री भव भवाम्बिके || 22 ||
Mother of the world, become my son Daksha's daughter.

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Shiva's Ardhanarishwara Incarnation

शिवस्यार्धनारीश्वरावतरवर्णनं नाम तृतीयोऽध्यायः
Shiva's Ardhanarishwara incarnation description Chapter 3

नन्दीश्वर उवाच |
Nandishwara said (to Sanatkumara)

इत्युक्त्वा परमोदारं स्वभावमधुरं वचः |
पृथक्चकार वपुषो भागाद्देवीं शिवां शिवः || 13 ||
Having said that (to Lord Brahma "I am very satisfied; I will give you what you wish") in his naturally sweet speech, highly generous, Lord Shiva separated out Goddess Shivaa (Uma) from a part (of his body).

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Shiva's 8 Idols

शतरुद्रसंहितायां शिवाष्टमूर्तिवर्णनं नाम द्वितीयोऽध्यायः
Shatrudra Samhita, Shiva's 8 idol description Chapter 2

नन्दीश्वर उवाच |
Nandishwara said (to Sanatkumara)

शर्वो भवस्तथा रुद्र उग्रो भीमः पशोः पतिः |
ईशानश्च महादेवो मूर्तयश्चाष्टविश्रुताः || 3 ||
Sharva, Bhava, Rudra, Ugra, Bhima, Pashupati, Ishana and Mahadeva are the eight well known idols.

This shloka repeats in Vayaviya Samhita, Later/north part, Chapter 3 as shloka 18.

Monday 24 December 2012

Rudra Samhita

विदलोत्पलदैत्यवधवर्णनं नामैकोनषष्टितमोऽध्यायः
Killing of the demons Vidala and Utpala – Chapter 59

ब्रह्मोवाच |
Brahma said (to Narada)

युद्धखण्डमिदं प्रोक्तं मया ते मुनिसत्तम |
रौद्रीयसंहितामध्ये सर्वकामफलप्रदम् || 38 ||
इयं हि संहिता रौद्री संपूर्णा वर्णिता मया |
सदा शिवप्रियतरा भुक्तिमुक्तिफलप्रदा || 39 ||
Great Sage, this war block was spoken by me to you, in the Rudra Samhita, which gives fruits of all desires.
This Rudra Samhita has been described completely by me, always highly favourite of Lord Shiva and giver of enjoyments as well as liberation (moksha).

Sunday 23 December 2012

Dundubhi-Nirhrada demon killing

दुन्दुभिनिर्ह्राददैत्यवधवर्णनं नाम अष्टपञ्चाशत्तमोऽध्यायः
Dundubhi-Nirhrada (maternal uncle of Prahlada) demon killing Chapter 58

देवा उचुः |
Devas said (to Lord Shiva)

सदा रक्षा प्रकर्तव्या भक्तानां भक्तवत्सल |
वध्याः खलाश्च देवेश त्वया सर्वेश्वर प्रभो || 44 ||
God of the Devas, kind to devotees, (you) should always protect the devotees, and the evil people/demons should be killed by you, Lord, the God of everyone.

Saturday 22 December 2012

Gajasura's killing

गजासुरवधो नाम सप्तपञ्चाशत्तमोऽध्यायः 
Gajasura's killing Chapter 57

ईश्वर उवाच |
God said (to Gajasura)

इदं पुण्यं शरीरं ते क्षेत्रेऽस्मिन्मुक्तिसाधने |
मम लिङ्गं भवत्वत्र सर्वेषां मुक्तिदायकम् || 66 ||
This your holy body, in this location which gives liberation (moksha), will now become my Linga (Shivalinga), which gives liberation (moksha) to everyone.

Friday 21 December 2012

Gajasura's killing

गजासुरवधो नाम सप्तपञ्चाशत्तमोऽध्यायः
Gajasura's killing Chapter 57

गजासुर उवाच |
Gajasura said (to Lord Shiva)

यदि प्रसन्नो दिग्वासस्तदा नित्यं वसान मे |
इमां कृत्तिं महेशान त्वत्त्रिशूलाग्निपाविताम् || 58 ||
Great God, who is clothed in directions (unclothed), if you are pleased, this hide (skin) of me which has been made holy by the fire of your trident (is) always your garment.

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Banasura getting the status of head of Ganas

बाणासुरगणपत्वपदप्राप्तिवर्णनं नाम षट्पञ्चाशत्तमोऽध्यायः 
Description of Banasura getting the status of head of Ganas – Chapter 56

सनत्कुमार उवाच |
Sanatkumar said (to Sage Vyasa)

ततो नृत्यं महत्कृत्वा भगवान्भक्तवत्सलः |
उवाच बाणं संहृष्टो नृत्यगीतप्रियो हरः || 14 ||
Then after (Banasura's) performing a great (Tandava) dance, pleased God who is kind to the devotees, Lord Shiva, who likes dance and singing, spoke to Banasura.

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Kind to Devotees

बाणासुरगणपत्वपदप्राप्तिवर्णनं नाम षट्पञ्चाशत्तमोऽध्यायः 
Description of Banasura getting the status of head of Ganas – Chapter 56

नन्दीश्वर उवाच |
Nandishwara said (to Banasura who has lost his hands)

बाण शङ्करसद्भक्त माऽनुतापं कुरुष्व भोः |
भक्तानुकम्पी शंभुर्वै भक्तवत्सलनामधृक || 4 ||
Banasura, a good devotee of Lord Shiva, do not suffer. Lord Shiva is sympathetic to (his) devotees, who is called "kind to devotees".

Monday 17 December 2012

Destroying Banasura's Pride

बाणभुजकृन्तनगर्वापहारवर्णनं नाम पञ्चपञ्चाशत्तमोऽध्यायः 
Cutting of the hands of Banasura and destroying his pride – Chapter 55

रुद्र उवाच |
Lord Rudra said (to Lord Krishna)

त्वं तु योगीश्वरः साक्षात्परमात्मा जनार्दनः |
विचार्यतां स्वमनसा सर्वभूतहिते रतः || 37 ||
You are the Janardana, Yogi God, the visible supreme soul. You who are busy doing good to all creatures, should think with your own mind (and not kill Banasura).

Sunday 16 December 2012

Shiva, the supreme God

ऊषाऽनिरुद्धविहारो नाम त्रिपञ्चाशत्तमोऽध्यायः 
Usha and Aniruddha's behaviour Chapter 53

व्योमवाण्युवाच |
Voice from the sky said (to Banasura who wanted to kill Aniruddha)

शिवः सर्वेश्वरः साक्षी कर्मणां परमेश्वरः |
तदाधीनमिदं सर्वं जगद्वै सचराचरम् || 39 ||
Lord Shiva, the supreme God, is the God of everyone and the witness to all karma. All this world, moving and stationary, is dependent on him.

Saturday 15 December 2012

Conch Water

शङ्खचूडवधोपाख्यानं नाम चत्वारिंशोऽध्यायः
Shankhachuda killing story Chapter 40

सनत्कुमार उवाच |
Sanatkumar said (to sage Vyasa)

अस्थिभिः शङ्खचूडस्य शङ्खजातिर्बभूव ह |
प्रशस्तं शङ्खतोयं च सर्वेषां शङ्करं विना || 33 ||
विशेषेण हरेर्लक्ष्म्याः शङ्खतोयं महत्प्रियम् |
संबन्धिनां च तस्यापि न हरस्य महामुने || 34 ||
From the bones of Shankhachuda a kind of conch emerged. Conch water is everywhere holy except to Lord Shiva.
Great sage, in particular, conch water is very dear to Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi and their relatives, but not of Shiva.


शङ्खचूडवधे शिवदूतसंवादो नाम पञ्चत्रिंशोऽध्यायः
Lord Shiva's messenger dialogue at Shankhachuda's killing – Chapter 35

महेश उवाच |
The great God said smiling (to Shankhachuda)

वयं भक्तपराधिना न स्वतन्त्राः कदापि हि |
तदिच्छया तत्कर्माणः न कस्यापि च पक्षिणः || 40 ||
We are dependent on the devotees. We are really never independent, doing according to their wishes, and not favouring anybody.

Thursday 13 December 2012

Rudra Form

शङ्खचूडवधे शिवोपदेशो नामैकत्रिंशोऽध्यायः
Lord Shiva's advice at the killing of Shankhachuda – Chapter 31

कैलासवासिनं रुद्रं मद्रुपं पुर्णमुत्तमम् |
देवकार्यार्थमद्भुतं पृथगाकृतिधारिणम् || 39 ||
My form as Rudra, residing in Kailasha is the complete and the best form, which for (various tasks of) Devas takes on different shapes (forms/bodies).

आवयोर्भेदकर्ता यः स नरो नरकं व्रजेत् |
इहापि प्राप्नुयात्कष्टं पुत्रपौत्रविवर्जितः || 42 ||
A man who makes a distinction between two of us goes to hell. He also gets suffering here (on earth), and will not have sons or grandsons.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Lord Krishna Requests to Lord Shiva

शङ्खचूडवधे शिवोपदेशो नामैकत्रिंशोऽध्यायः
Lord Shiva's advice at the killing of Shankhachuda – Chapter 31

श्रीकृष्ण उवाच |
Lord Krishna said (to Lord Shiva)

पार्षदप्रवरो यो मे सुदामा नाम गोपकः |
स राधाशापतः स्वामिन्दानवीं योनिमाश्रितः || 26 ||
अस्मानुद्धर दुर्गेश प्रसीद परमेश्वर |
शापोद्धारं कुरुष्वाद्य पाहि नः शरणागतान् || 27 ||
Lord, the great companion of mine, a cowherd by the name of Sudama because of being cursed by Radha took birth as a demon.
Please uplift (do good to) him, be pleased, Supreme God, the Lord of Goddess Durga, make the curse favourable today, protect who has come for refuge to us.

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Shambhu - The Supreme Element

एकोनत्रिंशोऽध्यायः (शङ्खचूडस्य पूर्वजन्मवृत्तान्तः)
Previous life episode of Shankhachuda - Chapter 29

विष्णुरुवाच |
Lord Vishnu said (to Lord Brahma)

सर्वोपरि च यस्यास्ति शिवलोकः परात्परः |
यत्र संराजते शंभुः परब्रह्म परेश्वरः || 47 ||
Whose Shivaloka is above everything, higher than the highest, where he adorns (lives), Shambhu is the supreme element, the highest God.

Monday 10 December 2012

Dhatri, Malti and Tulsi

देवीस्तुतिविष्णुमोहविध्वंसवर्णनं नाम षड्विंशोऽध्यायः
Prayer to Goddess and destruction of Lord Vishnu's infatuation – Chapter 26

सनत्कुमार उवाच |
Sanatkumar said (to sage Vyasa)

निक्षिप्तेभ्यश्च बीजेभ्यो वनस्पत्यस्त्रयोऽभवन् |
धात्री च मालती चैव तुलसी च मुनीश्वर || 46 ||
Great sage, from the seeds thrown (on the ground where Vrinda immolated her body) three plants came into existence – Dhatri (Amla), Malti (Jasmine) and Tulsi.

Saturday 8 December 2012

Destruction of Lord Vishnu's infatuation

देवीस्तुतिविष्णुमोहविध्वंसवर्णनं नाम षड्विंशोऽध्यायः
Prayer to Goddess and destruction of Lord Vishnu's infatuation – Chapter 26

महेश्वर उवाच |
The great God said (to Brahma and the Devas)

हे ब्रह्मन्हे सुराः सर्वे मद्वाक्यं शृणुतादरात् |
मोहिनी सर्वलोकानां मम माया दुरत्यया || 14 ||
तदधीनं जगत्सर्वं यद्देवासुरमानुषम् |
तयैव मोहितो विष्णुः कामाधीनोऽभवद्धरि || 15 ||
Brahma and the Devas, all of you listen to my saying with respect. My illusionary power (Maya), which causes the illusion in all the worlds, is difficult to overcome.
With which the whole universe is subordinate to it, Devas, demons and humans, Lord Vishnu has been affected by that. (Thus) Lord Vishnu came under the influence of desire.

Friday 7 December 2012

Jalandhara's Killing

जलन्धरवधवर्णनं नाम चतुर्विंशोऽध्यायः
Jalandhara killing description Chapter 24

जलन्धर उवाच |
Jalandhara said (to Lord Shiva)

हन्तुं चराचरं सर्वं समर्थोऽहं सवासवम् |
को महेश्वर मद्बाणैरभेद्यो भुवनत्रये || 31 ||
I am capable of killing all moving and stationary (living) beings, including Indra. Great God, who in the three worlds cannot be killed by my arrows?

मां न जानासि रुद्र त्वं त्रैलोक्यजयकारिणम् |
जलन्धरं महादैत्यं सिन्धुपुत्रं महाबलम् || 41 ||
Lord Rudra, you do not know me (who is) victorious over the three worlds, Jalandhara, the great demon, son of the sea, highly powerful.

Thursday 6 December 2012

Description of war with Jalandhara

जलन्धरयुद्धवर्णनं नाम द्वाविंशोऽध्यायः
Description of the war with Jalandhara – Chapter 22

जलन्धर उवाच |
Jalandhara said (to his army of devils)

मृत्योर्भयं न कर्तव्यं कदाचित्कुत्रचिद्बुधैः |
अनिवार्यो यतो ह्येष उपायैर्निखिलैरपि || 19 ||
Wise people should not fear death ever anywhere since it is unavoidable even by all means.

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Discussion with the Messenger

दूतसम्वादो नाम एकोनविंशोऽध्यायः
Discussion with the messenger – Chapter 19

महेश्वर उवाच |
The Great God said (to the person who was about to eat up Rahu)

बुभुक्षा यदि तेऽतीव क्षुधा त्वां बाधते यदि |
संभक्षयात्मनः शीघ्रं मांसं त्वं हस्तपादयोः || 44 ||
If you have extreme hunger, if hunger is bothering you, eat up the flesh of your own hands and legs.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Narada - Jalandhara Discussion

देवर्षिजलन्धरसंवादो नामाष्टादशोऽध्यायः
Narada-Jalandhara discussion Chapter 18

जलन्धर उवाच |
Jalandhara said (to Narada)

ब्रह्माण्डे यत्र कुत्रापि तद्रत्नं यदि वर्तते |
तदानेष्ये ततो ब्रह्मन्सत्यं सत्यं न संशयः || 43 ||
If such a jewel exists anywhere in the universe, then I will bring, true, absolutely true, no doubt.

Sunday 2 December 2012

Narada - Jalandhara Discussion

देवर्षिजलन्धरसंवादो नामाष्टादशोऽध्यायः
Narada-Jalandhara discussion Chapter 18

नारद उवाच |
Narada said (to Jalandhara)

जायारत्नं महाश्रेष्ठं जलन्धर न ते गृहे |
तदानेतुं विशेषेण स्त्रीरत्नं वै त्वमर्हसि || 39 ||
Jalandhara, (you have all kinds of valuable things at home, but) you don't have the very best jewel-like wife. It is proper of you to bring such a jewel-like woman particularly.

Saturday 1 December 2012

Jalandhara Creation

जलन्धरोत्पत्तिविवाहवर्णनं नाम चतुर्दशोऽध्यायः
Jalandhara creation and marriage description Chapter 14

सनत्कुमार उवाच |
Sanatkumar said (to sage Vyasa)

अथो शिवस्य तत्तेजो भालनेत्रसमुद्भवम् |
क्षिप्तं च लवणाम्भोधौ सद्यो बालत्वमाप ह || 4 ||
Then the brilliant light which emerged from the (third) eye on the forehead of Lord Shiva when fell into the salty sea, immediately achieved childhood (became a child).

Friday 30 November 2012

Burning of Tripur

त्रिपुरदाहवर्णनं नाम दशमोऽध्यायः
Description of the burning of the three cities – Chapter 10

सनत्कुमार उवाच |
Sanatkumar said (to sage Vyasa, quoting what Devas said to Lord Shiva)

दग्धुं समर्थो देवेशो विक्षणेन जगत्त्रयम् |
अस्मद्यशोविवृध्यर्थं शरं मोक्तुमिहार्हसि || 23 ||
You, the God of the Devas is capable of burning the three worlds by (just his) sight. For increasing our fame, it is proper for you to release the arrow (as the right time approaches for destroying the devils, which will burn the three cities.)

Thursday 29 November 2012

Om Namah Shivaya - Mantra

देवस्तुतिवर्णनं नाम सप्तमोऽध्यायः
Description of the prayer by the Devas – Chapter 7

विष्णुरुवाच |
Lord Vishnu said (teaching the Devas how to get Lord Shiva in their control)

प्रणवं पूर्वमुच्चार्य नमः पश्चादुदाहरेत् |
शिवायेति ततः पश्चाच्छुभद्वयमतः परम् || 25 ||
First the Pranava (Om) should be pronounced, then Namah should be said. After that, Shivaya. (These) two (words, Namah and Shivaya) are considered the most auspicious.

Narada had instructed supreme Goddess Parvati (Parvati block, Chapter 21) to chant the same mantra, which is considered to be the king of all mantras.

इति श्रुत्वा वचस्तस्याः पार्वत्या मुनिसत्तमः |
पञ्चाक्षरं शंभुमन्त्रं विधिपूर्वमुपादिशः || 33 ||

मन्त्रोऽयं सर्वमन्त्राणामधिराजश्च कामदः |
भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदोऽत्यन्तं शङ्करस्य महाप्रियः || 36 ||

Sage Vyasa also chanted the same mantra (Chapter 37, Shatrudra Samhita).

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Prayer to Lord Shiva

शिवस्तुतिवर्णनं नाम षष्ठोऽध्यायः
Description of the prayer to Lord Shiva – Chapter 6

ब्रह्मोवाच |
Lord Brahma said (to Lord Shiva)

अतस्त्वया महादेव सुरर्षिप्राणरक्षक |
साधूनां रक्षणार्थाय हन्तव्या म्लेच्छजातयः || 42 ||
Therefore, the Great God, the protector of the lives of Devas and sages, the mlechccha type (devils) should be killed by you for the protection of the good people.

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Dharma in the Three Cities

त्रिपुरधर्मवर्णनं नाम तृतीयोऽध्यायः
Description of Dharma in the three cities – Chapter 3

विष्णुरुवाच |
Lord Vishnu said (to the Devas)

इदं सत्यं वचश्चैव यत्र धर्म सनातनः |
तत्र दुःखं न जायेत सूर्ये दृष्टे यथा तमः || 13 ||
This saying is true that where there is Sanatana Dharma, no sorrow/unhappiness emerges, like darkness when the sun is seen.
There was Sanatana Dharma in the three cities of the demons, so everyone there was happy. Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu or the Great God would not want to kill them.

Monday 26 November 2012

Tripur Description

रुद्रसंहितायां युद्धखण्डे त्रिपुरवर्णनं नाम प्रथमोऽध्यायः
Rudra Samhita, War block, Three city description Chapter 1

सनत्कुमार उवाच |
Sanatkumar said (to sage Vyasa)

शिवात्मजेन स्कन्देन निहते तारकासुरे |
तत्पुत्रास्तु त्रयो दैत्याः पर्यतप्यन्मुनिश्वर || 7 ||
तारकाख्यास्तु तज्ज्येष्ठो विद्युन्माली च मध्यमः |
कमलाक्षः कनीयांश्च सर्वे तुल्यबलाः सदा || 8 ||
Great Sage, after Skanda, the son of Shiva, killed Tarakasura, his (Tarakasura's) three demon sons practised penance.
Tarakaksha, the eldest, Vidyunmali, the middle, and Kamalaksha, the youngest were all equally strong always.

Saturday 24 November 2012

Ganesha Marriage Prelude

गणेशविवाहोपराक्रमो नामैकोनविंशोऽध्यायः
Ganesha marriage prelude Chapter 19

शिवाशिवावूचतुः |
The supreme Goddess and Lord Shiva said (to Lord Ganesha)

पुत्र ते विमला बुद्धिः समुत्पन्ना महात्मनः |
त्वयोक्तं यद्वचश्चैव ततश्चैव च नान्यथा || 50 ||
समुत्पन्ने च दुःखे च यस्य बुद्धिर्विशिष्यते |
तस्य दुःखं विनश्येत सूर्ये दृष्टे यथा तमः || 51 ||
बुद्धिर्यस्य बलं तस्य निर्बुद्धेस्तु कुतो बलं |
कूपे सिंहो मदोन्मत्तः शशकेन निपातितः || 52 ||
Son, your distinguished clear intelligence (has been) produced/emerged of the great soul. What you said is such (truth), not otherwise.
When in sorrow (difficulty), one whose intelligence distinguishes itself, his sorrow gets destroyed like the darkness on seeing the sun.
One who has intelligence has strength. Where is the strength of the unintelligent? The rabbit got the arrogant lion to fall in the well (by showing him an adversary in the reflected image in the well).

Friday 23 November 2012

Ganesha Marriage Prelude

गणेशविवाहोपराक्रमो नामैकोनविंशोऽध्यायः
Ganesha marriage prelude Chapter 19

गणेश उवाच |
Lord Ganesha said (to God and the supreme Goddess)

भवतोः पूजनं कृत्वा शिवाशंकरयोरहम् |
स्वबुद्ध्या हि समुद्रान्तपृथ्वीकृतपरिक्रमः || 37 ||
I, having worshipped you Shivaa and Shiva, with my intelligence have really circumambulated the earth at the end of the ocean.

Thursday 22 November 2012

Ganesha Revived

गणेशजीवनवर्णनं नाम सप्तदशोऽध्यायः
Ganesha revival description Chapter 17

ब्रह्मोवाच |
Brahma said (to Narada)

तं दृष्ट्वा जीवितं बालं शिवापुत्रं मुनीश्वर |
सर्वे मुमुदिरे तत्र सर्वं दुखं क्षयं गतम् || 58 ||
Great sage, after seeing the child, son of Shivaa, alive (revived), everyone there became happy, all the unhappiness disappeared.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Ganesha Revival - Brahma Suggests a Solution

गणेशजीवनवर्णनं नाम सप्तदशोऽध्यायः
Ganesha revival description Chapter 17

ब्रह्मोवाच |
Brahma said (to Narada)

उत्तरस्यां पुनर्यायात् प्रथमं यो मिलेदिह |
तच्छिरश्च समाहृत्य योजनीयं कलेवरे || 47 ||
The first one who is met coming from the north, its head should be taken and joined to (Ganesha's) body.

Ganesha Revival

गणेशजीवनवर्णनं नाम सप्तदशोऽध्यायः
Ganesha revival description Chapter 17

देव्युवाच |
Goddess said (to everyone there)

मत्पुत्रो यदि जीवेत तदा संहारणं न हि |
यथा हि भवतां मध्ये पूज्योऽयं च भविष्यति || 42 ||
सर्वाध्यक्षो भवेदद्य यूयं कुरुत तद्यदि |
तदा शान्तिर्भवेल्लोके नान्यथा सुखमाप्स्यथ || 43 ||
No destruction if my son lives (is revived), such that he will become worshippable in your midst.
If you make him the head of everyone today, then there will be peace in the world, otherwise you will not get happiness.

Monday 19 November 2012

Ganesha Revival

गणेशजीवनवर्णनं नाम सप्तदशोऽध्यायः
Ganesha revival description Chapter 17

नारद उवाच |
Narada said (to everyone there)

यावच्च गिरिजा देवी कृपां नैव करिष्यति |
तावन्नैवं सुखं स्याद्वै नात्र कार्या विचारणा || 29 ||
As long as Goddess Parvati does not do a favour (show mercy), there cannot be happiness; there is nothing to think about it.

Sunday 18 November 2012

Ganesha Revival

गणेशजीवनवर्णनं नाम सप्तदशोऽध्यायः
Ganesha revival description Chapter 17

ब्रह्मोवाच |
Brahma said (to Narada)

विष्णुर्वापि तथा ब्रह्मा शङ्करश्च तथा प्रभुः |
न कश्चिद्गिरिजाग्रे च स्थातुं शक्तोऽभवन्मुने || 24 ||
Narada, be it Vishnu, Brahma or God Shiva, nobody was able stand in front of (angry) Goddess Parvati.

Saturday 17 November 2012

Ganesha War

गणेशयुद्धवर्णनं नाम पञ्चदशोऽध्यायः
Ganesha war description Chapter 15

ब्रह्मोवाच |
Brahma said (to Narada)

ते सर्वे मिलिताश्चैव मुहुर्नत्वा शिवं तदा |
अब्रुवन्वचनं क्षिप्रं कोऽयं गणवरः प्रभो || 62 ||
पुरा चैव श्रुतं युद्धमिदानीं बहुधा पुनः |
दृश्यते न श्रुतं दृष्टमीदृशं तु कदाचन || 63 ||
किञ्चिद्विचार्यतां देव त्वन्यथा न जयो भवेत् |
त्वमेव रक्षकः स्वामिन्ब्रह्माण्डस्य न संशयः || 64 ||
They all gathered and again bowed to Lord Shiva then and said quickly "God, who is this great assistant?"
In the past and now, (we have) heard of battles/wars in many ways, but never have we seen nor heard anything like what we are seeing (here).
God, think of something, otherwise (we) will not win. You alone are the protector and the Lord of the universe, no doubt.

Friday 16 November 2012

Ganesha War - Brahma Says

गणेशयुद्धवर्णनं नाम पञ्चदशोऽध्यायः
Ganesha war description Chapter 15

ब्रह्मोवाच |
Brahma said (to Narada)

एका विद्युत्स्वरूपा च बहुहस्तसमन्विता |
भयङ्करा महादेवी दुष्टदण्डविधायिनी || 47 ||
One (energy created and given by the supreme Goddess, the mother of the universe to Ganesha) was in the form of electricity equipped with many hands, frightening great Goddess, who would inflict punishment on the wicked.

एको बालोऽखिलं सैन्यं लोडयामास दुस्तरम् |
यथा गिरिवरेणैव लोडितः सागरः पुरा || 50 ||
One child is badly churning the whole army, just like the ocean was churned by the great mountain (Mandara) in the past.

Thursday 15 November 2012

Ganesha War - Shiva Says

गणेशयुद्धवर्णनं नाम पञ्चदशोऽध्यायः
Ganesha war description Chapter 15

शिव उवाच |
Lord Shiva said (to Brahma)

ब्रह्मञ्छृणु मम द्वारि बाल एकः समास्थितः |
महाबली यष्टिपाणिर्गेहावेशनिवारकः || 27 ||
महाप्रहारकर्ताऽसौ मत्पार्षदविघातकः |
पराजयः कृतस्तेन मद्गणानां बलादिह || 28 ||
Listen Brahma, one child has stationed himself at my door, (who is) very strong, with a stick in hand, and prevents entry into the house. He hits very hard, killer of my assistants, defeated my assistants with force here.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Ganesha War

गणेशयुद्धवर्णनं नाम पञ्चदशोऽध्यायः
Ganesha war description Chapter 15

गणेश उवाच |
Ganesha said (to one friend of Parvati)

आयातु गणपाः सर्वे शिवाज्ञापरिपालकाः |
अहमेकश्च बालश्च शिवाज्ञापरिपालकः || 3 ||
तथापि पश्यतां देवी पार्वतिसूनुजं बलम् |
शिवश्च स्वगणानां तु बलं पश्यतु वै पुनः || 4 ||
Let all the heads of the assistants who obey orders of Lord Shiva come. And I am (just) one, and a child who obeys the orders of Goddess Shivaa. Still, Devi, let us see the strength born of Parvati's son. Then again let us see the strength of Lord Shiva's own assistants.

Monday 12 November 2012

Assistant's Brawl

गणविवादवर्णनं नाम चतुर्दशोऽध्यायः
Assistants' brawl description Chapter 14

महादेव उवाच |
The great God said (to his assistants)

एकाकी स गणो बालः किं करिष्यति विक्रमं || 59 ||
भवन्तश्च गणा लोके युद्धे चातिविशारदाः |
मदीयाश्च कथं युद्धं हित्वा यास्यथ लाघवम् || 60 ||
What power will that assistant child alone show? You assistants are the great experts of war in this world. How do my (assistants) leave a war and achieve lowliness?

तस्मात्सर्वे च मद्वीराः शृणुतादरतो वचः |
कर्तव्यं सर्वथा युद्धं भावि यत्तद्भवत्विति || 62 ||
And therefore, all my brave (assistants), listen my words with respect. The war should be fought; future is what will happen.

Sunday 11 November 2012

Ganesh Creation

गणेशोत्पत्तिवर्णनं नाम त्रयोदशोऽध्यायः
Ganesh creation description Chapter 13

ब्रह्मोवाच |
Brahma said (to Narada)

इत्युक्त्वा प्रविशन्तं तं महेशं गणनायकः |
क्रोधं कृत्वा ततो विप्र दण्डेनाताडयत्पुनः || 37 ||
Brahmin (Narada), (the God) having said that, the head of the assistants (Ganesha) after getting angry hit him, the great God, while (trying to) enter (the home).

Saturday 10 November 2012

Ganesh Creation

गणेशोत्पत्तिवर्णनं नाम त्रयोदशोऽध्यायः
Ganesh creation description Chapter 13

महादेव उवाच |
The great God said (angrily to the boy guarding the door, having been hit by the boy with the stick)

मूर्खोऽसि त्वं न जानासि शिवोऽहं गिरिजापतिः |
स्वगृहं यामि रे बाल निषेधसि कथं हि माम् || 36 ||
You are a fool. You do not know that I am Shiva, the husband of Parvati. I am going to my own home, you kid. How are you prohibiting me?

Friday 9 November 2012

Killing Tarakasura

तारकासुरवधदेवोत्सववर्णनं नाम दशमोऽध्यायः
Description of killing of Tarakasura and celebration by Devas – Chapter 10

कुमार उवाच |
Kartikeya said (to the mountains, Devas, Gandharvas, Kinnaras)

मा खिद्यतां महाभागा मा चिन्तां कुर्वतां नगाः |
घातयाम्यद्य पापिष्ठं सर्वेषां वः प्रपश्यताम् || 27 ||
Highly fortunate mountains, do not feel sorry, do not worry; I will the kill the sinner today while all of you are watching.

Thursday 8 November 2012

Kartikeya's amazing character

कुमाराद्भुतचरितवर्णनं नाम षष्ठोऽध्यायः
Description of amazing behaviour of the boy – Chapter 6

कार्तिक उवाच |
Kartikeya said (to Narada)

वधयोग्यो न विप्राजः स्वगृहं गच्छ नारद |
पूर्णोऽस्तु तेऽध्वरः सर्वः प्रसादादेव मे कृतः || 32 ||
Brahmin Narada, the goat does not deserve to be killed, go to your own home. Your sacrifice is completed; all the offerings have been done by me.

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Kartikeya's Child Behaviour

कार्तिकेयलीलावर्णनं नाम तृतीयोऽध्यायः
Kartikeya's child behaviour description Chapter 3

शिवसुत उवाच |
Son of Shiva, Kartikeya said (to Vishwamitra)

विश्वामित्र वरान्मे त्वं ब्रह्मर्षिर्नात्र संशयः |
वसिष्ठाद्याश्च नित्य त्वां प्रशंसिष्यन्ति चादरात् || 12 ||
Vishwamitra, (because of) my boon (to you), no doubt here that (you are a) Brahmarshi (a Sage of the highest level), and Vasishtha, etc. will everyday/always praise you and (that too) with respect.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Kartikeya's Child Behaviour

कार्तिकेयलीलावर्णनं नाम तृतीयोऽध्यायः
Kartikeya's child behaviour description Chapter 3

विश्वामित्र उवाच |
Vishwamitra said (to Kartikeya)

शृणु तात न विप्रोऽहं गाधिक्षत्रियबालकः |
विश्वामित्रेति विख्यातः क्षत्रियो विप्रसेवकः || 9 ||
Listen, son, I am not a Brahmin, but a Kshatriya, son of Gadhi. I am known as Kshatriya Vishwamitra, a servant of Brahmins.

Sunday 4 November 2012

Birth of Shiva's Son

शिवपुत्रजननवर्णनं नाम द्वितीयोऽध्यायः
Description of birth of son of Shiva – Chapter 2

ब्रह्मोवाच |
Brahma said (to Narada)

मार्गमासे सिते पक्षे तिथौ षष्ठ्यां मुनीश्वर |
प्रादुर्भावोऽभवत्तस्य शिवपुत्रस्य भूतले || 68 ||
Great sage, in the month of Margashirsa, in the bright fortnight, on the sixth day, the appearance (birth) of that son of God happened on the earth.

Saturday 3 November 2012

Brahma-Vishnu Dialogue

कुमारखण्डे शिवविहारवर्णनं नाम प्रथमोऽध्यायः
Boys' block Shiva's pastime/pleasure description Chapter 1

विष्णुरुवाच |
Lord Vishnu said (to Brahma)

चिन्ता नास्ति जगद्धातः सर्वं भद्रं भविष्यति |
शरणं व्रज देवेश शङ्करस्य महाप्रभोः || 25 ||
महेशशरणापन्ना ये जना मनसा मुदा |
तेषां प्रजेश भक्तानां न कुतश्चिद्भयं क्वचित् || 26 ||
There is no (reason to) worry for the creator of the world. All good/auspicious will happen. God of the Devas, take refuge in the great God Shiva.

Brahma, people who have gladly taken refuge in the great God, those devotees have no fear of any kind anywhere.

Friday 2 November 2012

Description of Kanya-Daan

कन्यादानवर्णनं नामाष्टचत्वारिंशोऽध्यायः
Description of giving of the girl (in marriage) – Chapter 48

ब्रह्मोवाच |
Brahma said (to Narada)

तस्मै रुद्राय महते मन्त्रेणानेन दत्तवान् |
हिमाचलो निजां कन्यां पार्वतीं त्रिजगत्प्रसूम् || 39 ||
Himachala gave his own daughter Parvati, the mother of the three worlds, to that Great Rudra with this mantra (statement).

Thursday 1 November 2012

Description of Kanya-Daan

कन्यादानवर्णनं नामाष्टचत्वारिंशोऽध्यायः
Description of giving of the girl (in marriage) – Chapter 48

हिमालय उवाच |
Himalaya said (to God)

इमां कन्यां तुभ्यमहं ददामि परमेश्वर |
भार्यार्थं परिगृह्णीष्व प्रसीद सकलेश्वर || 38 ||
Supreme God, I am giving you this girl to be your wife. God of everything, be pleased and accept (her).

Wednesday 31 October 2012


कन्यादानवर्णनं नामाष्टचत्वारिंशोऽध्यायः
Description of giving of the girl (in marriage) – Chapter 48

नारद उवाच |
Narada said (to Himalaya)

शिवो नादमयः सत्यं नादः शिवमयस्तथा |
उभयोरन्तरं नास्ति नादस्य च शिवस्य च || 28 ||
Shiva truly consists of the (primordial Om) sound; similarly the (primordial Om) sound is Shiva. There is no difference between the two, the sound and Shiva.

Tuesday 30 October 2012


कन्यादानवर्णनं नामाष्टचत्वारिंशोऽध्यायः
Description of giving of the girl (in marriage) – Chapter 48

नारद उवाच |
Narada said (to Himalaya)

अस्य गोत्रं कुलं नाम नैव जानन्ति पर्वत |
विष्णुब्रह्मादयोऽपीह परेषां का कथा स्मृता || 16 ||
यस्यैकदिवसे शैल ब्रह्मकोटिर्लयं गता |
स एव शङ्करस्तेऽद्य दृष्टः कालीतपोबलात् || 17 ||
अरुपोऽयं परब्रह्म निर्गुणः प्रकृतेः परः |
निराकारो निर्विकारी मायाधीशः परात्परः || 18 ||
अगोत्रकुलनामा हि स्वतन्त्रो भक्तवत्सलः |
तदिच्छया हि सगुणः सुतनुर्बहुनामभृत् || 19 ||
Mountain, even Vishnu, Brahma, etc. here do not know this one's
(God's) lineage, family, (or his) name; what to talk of others.
Mountain, in whose one day, a crore (or large number) of Brahmas
(their lives) come to an end, he is that Shiva visible here because of
the strength of Kali's penance.
This (fellow is) formless, the supreme element, without
characteristics, beyond Prakriti, without shape, without defects, the
Lord of Maya, and higher than the highest.
Without a surname and lineage, (he is) really independent, kind to the
devotees. Only through his wish does he take a good body with a form,
with several names.

Sunday 28 October 2012


शिवमायावर्णनं नामैकत्रिंशोऽध्यायः
Lord Shiva's Maya (illusion power) description Chapter 31

ब्रह्मोवाच |
Brahma said (to the Devas)

परनिन्दा विनाशाय स्वनिन्दा यशसे मता || 23 ||
Criticism of others leads to destruction; self-criticism is believed to lead to fame.

This repeats in Shatrudra Samhita, Chapter 35, shloka 16.

Saturday 27 October 2012

Supreme Soul and Prakriti

शिवाशिवसंवादवर्णनं नामैकोनत्रिंशोऽध्यायः
Parvati-Shiva dialogue description Chapter 29

पार्वती उवाच |
Parvati said (to Lord Shiva)

त्वमात्मा प्रकृतिश्चाहं नात्र कार्या विचारणा |
स्वतन्त्रौ भक्तवशगौ निर्गुणौ सगुणावापि || 30 ||
You are the (universal, supreme) soul and I am the Prakriti (Maya); there is nothing to think (about this). We are formless as well as with form, independent but under the control of devotees.

Friday 26 October 2012

Sight of Shiva-form by Parvati

पार्वत्याः शिवरुपदर्शनं नामाष्टाविंशोऽध्यायः
Sight of Shiva-form by Parvati – Chapter 28

पार्वती उवाच |
Parvati said (to the Brahmana who criticised Lord Shiva)

शिवेति मङ्गलनाम मुखे यस्य निरन्तरं |
तस्यैव दर्शनादन्ये पवित्राः सन्ति सर्वदा || 20 ||
One whose mouth always has the auspicious name Shiva, by just his sight other people always become holy.

Thursday 25 October 2012

Guru's Statements

सप्तर्षिकृत परीक्षावर्णनं नाम पञ्चविंशोऽध्यायः
Description of test by the Seven sages – Chapter 25

पार्वती उवाच |
Parvati said (to the seven sages)

सुरर्षेर्वचनं पथ्यं त्यक्षे नैव कदाचन |
गुरूणां वचनं पथ्यमिति वेदविदो विदुः || 58 ||
गुरूणां वचनं सत्यमिति येषां दृढा मतिः |
तेषामिहामुत्र सुखं परमं नासुखं क्वचित् || 59 ||
Narada's words are for good. I will never give them up. One who knows the Vedas knows that Guru's statements are for good.
One who strongly believes that Guru's statements are (always) true (gets) the highest happiness in this world as well as the other world, and never (gets) unhappiness.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Purpose of Shiva's Marriage

पार्वतीविवाहस्वीकारो नाम चतुरविंशोऽध्यायः
Parvati marriage acceptance Chapter 24

महादेव उवाच |
The great God said (to the Devas)

नास्ति यद्यपि मे कस्चिद्विहारकरणे रुचिः |
विवाहयिष्ये गिरिजां पुत्रोत्पादनहेतवे || 75 ||
Although I have no interest whatsoever in pleasure, I will marry Parvati for the purpose of producing a son.

Monday 22 October 2012

Parvati Marriage Acceptance

पार्वतीविवाहस्वीकारो नाम चतुरविंशोऽध्यायः
Parvati marriage acceptance Chapter 24

महादेव उवाच |
The great God said (to the Devas)

यदा यदा विपत्तिर्हि भक्तानां भवति क्वचित् |
तदा तदा हराम्याशु तत्क्षणात्सर्वशः सदा || 73 ||
Whenever any misfortune/adversity occurs to devotees, I always quickly take (it) away at that moment from all sides.

Sunday 21 October 2012

Parvati marriage acceptance

पार्वतीविवाहस्वीकारो नाम चतुरविंशोऽध्यायः
Parvati marriage acceptance Chapter 24

नन्दीश्वर उवाच |
Nandishwara said (to the Devas)

भक्तेर्वश्यो महादेवो न साधारणतः सुराः |
अकार्यमपि सद्भक्त्या करोति परमेश्वरः || 40 ||
Devas, the great God can be influenced/controlled by devotion, not usually. With good devotion, the greatest God does even things which should not be done.

Saturday 20 October 2012

Parvati Penance

पार्वतीतपोवर्णनं नाम द्वाविंशोऽध्यायः

Parvati penance description Chapter 22

ब्रह्मोवाच | 

Brahma said (to Narada)

आहारे तयक्तपर्णाऽभूद्यस्माद्धिमवतः सुता |

तेन देवैरपर्णेति कथिता नामतः शिवा || 49 || 

Having become free from the diet of leaves, Shivaa, the daughter of Himavan was therefore called by the name Aparna by the Devas.

Friday 19 October 2012

Narada describing characteristics of Shiva Mantra to Parvati

नारदोपदेशो नामैकविंशोऽध्यायः
Narada's teaching/advice Chapter 21

नारद उवाच |
Narada said (to Parvati)

मन्त्रोऽयं सर्वमन्त्राणामधिराजश्च कामदः |
भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदोऽत्यन्तं शङ्करस्य महाप्रियः || 36 ||
This (five-lettered) mantra is the king of all mantras, giver of all desires, enjoyments, liberation (moksha), extremely highly favourite of Shiva.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Narada's Teaching

नारदोपदेशो नामैकविंशोऽध्यायः
Narada's teaching/advice Chapter 21

ब्रह्मोवाच |
Brahma said (to Narada)

इति श्रुत्वा वचस्तस्याः पार्वत्या मुनिसत्तमः |
पञ्चाक्षरं शंभुमन्त्रं विधिपूर्वमुपादिशः || 33 ||
Great sage, having heard her this statement from Parvati, you taught the five-lettered Shiva mantra (Namah Shivaya) with a proper procedure.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Goddess Shivaa seeks guidance from Narada

नारदोपदेशो नामैकविंशोऽध्यायः
Narada's teaching/advice Chapter 21

शिवोवाच |
Goddess Shivaa said (to Narada)

त्वं तु सर्वज्ञ जगतामुपकारकर प्रभो |
रुद्रस्याराधनार्थाय मन्त्रं देहि मुने हि मे || 31 ||
न सिद्ध्यति क्रिया कापि सर्वेषां सद्गुरुं विना |
मया श्रुता पुरा सत्यं श्रुतिरेषा सनातनी || 32 ||
Lord (Narada), you are really omniscient who does good to the world. Sage, for praying to Rudra, give me a mantra.
No work/procedure of anyone succeeds without a good Guru, I have heard in the past this true eternal fact from Shrutis.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Indra-Kamadeva discussion

शक्रकामसंवादवर्णनं नाम सप्तदशोऽध्यायः 
Indra-Kamadeva discussion description Chapter 17

काम उवाच |
Kamadeva said (to Indra)

ब्रह्माणं वा हरिं वापि भ्रष्टं कुर्यां न संशयः |
अन्येषां गणना नास्ति पातयेय हरं त्वपि || 22 ||
I can corrupt Lord Brahma or Lord Vishnu, no doubt. Others are nothing; even Lord Shiva can be made to fall.

This is only what Kamadeva says. It does not mean that is the truth. The result was that Kamadeva was burnt to death when he tried influencing God.

Monday 15 October 2012

Tarakasura's Wish

तारकासुरतपोराज्यवर्णनं नाम पञ्चदशोऽध्यायः
Tarakasura penance description Chapter 15

तारक उवाच |
Tarakasura said (to Brahma)

शिववीर्यसमुत्पन्नः पुत्रः सेनापतिर्यदा |
भूत्वा शस्त्रं क्षिपेन्मह्यं तदा मे मरणं भवेत् || 41 ||
My death may occur when a son produced from the semen of Shiva, after becoming an army commander, throws a weapon at me.

Sunday 14 October 2012

Shiva - Parvati discussion concludes

पार्वतीपरमेश्वरसंवादवर्णनं नाम त्रयोदशोऽध्यायः
Parvati - supreme God discussion description Chapter 13

महादेव उवाच |
The great God said (to Parvati)

इत्येवं त्वं यदि ब्रूषे गिरिजे सांख्यधारिणि |
प्रत्यहं कुरु मे सेवामनिषिद्धां सुभाषिणि || 23 ||
Good speaker, an expert on Samkhya, if you just say so, do service to me everyday without being forbidden.

Saturday 13 October 2012

Parvati's response - continued

पार्वतीपरमेश्वरसंवादवर्णनं नाम त्रयोदशोऽध्यायः
Parvati - supreme God discussion description Chapter 13

काल्युवाच |
Kali (Parvati) said (to God)

मदनुग्रहतस्त्वं हि सगुणो रुपवान्मतः |
मां विना त्वं निरीहोऽसि न किंचित्कर्तुमर्हसि || 19 ||
पराधिनः सदा त्वं हि नानाकर्मकरो वशी |
निर्विकारी कथं त्वं हि न लिप्तश्च मया कथम् || 20 ||
प्रकृते परमोऽसि त्वं यदि सत्यं वचस्तव |
तर्हि त्वया न भेतव्यं समीपे मम शंकर || 21 ||
Because of my favour only is your Saguna form possible. Without me you would be inactive; you would not be able to do anything.
You are really always dependent, doing several things, with senses under control. How are you without defects? How are you not affected by me?
Shiva, if it is true that you are above Prakriti then you have nothing to fear in my presence/vicinity.

Friday 12 October 2012

Lord Shiva gets an earful from Parvati

पार्वतीपरमेश्वरसंवादवर्णनं नाम त्रयोदशोऽध्यायः
Parvati - supreme God discussion description Chapter 13

काल्युवाच |
Kali (Parvati) said (to God)

यदुक्तं भवता योगिन्वचनं शंकर प्रभो |
सा च किं प्रकृतिर्न स्यादतीतस्तां भवान्कथम् || 10 ||
एतद्विचार्य वक्तव्यं तत्वत्तो हि यथातथम् |
प्रकृत्या सर्वमेतच्च बद्धमस्ति निरन्तरं || 11 ||
तस्मात्त्वया न वक्तव्यं न कार्यं किंचिदेव हि |
वचनं रचनं सर्वं प्राकृतं विद्धि चेतसा || 12 ||
यच्छृणोषि यदश्नासि यत्पश्यसि करोषि यत् |
तत्सर्वं प्रकृतेः कार्यं मिथ्यावादो निरर्थकः || 13 ||
प्रकृतेः परमश्चेत्त्वं किमर्थं तप्यसे तपः |
त्वया शंभोऽधुना ह्यस्मिन्गिरौ हिमवति प्रभो || 14 ||
प्रकृत्या गिलितोऽसि त्वं न जानासि निजं हर |
निजं जानासि चेदीश किमर्थं तप्यते तपः || 15 ||
God Shiva, Yogi, the statement which was said by you, what is it if not Prakriti? Then how are you are beyond Prakriti?
This should be thought about before speaking in any way about the fundamentals. All this is bound by Prakriti forever/continuously.
Therefore, you should not speak nor do work of any sort. Know insightfully speech, construction, etc. - everything to be Prakruta.
Whatever you listen, eat, see, do is all because of Prakriti; no use of hypocrisy.
God Shiva, if you are superior to Prakriti, they why do you do penance now on this mountain Himalaya?
Shiva, you are swallowed by Prakriti, you do not know yourself. God, if you know yourself, then why would one do penance?

Thursday 11 October 2012

Shiva's response to Parvati

पार्वतीपरमेश्वरसंवादवर्णनं नाम त्रयोदशोऽध्यायः
Parvati - supreme God discussion description Chapter 13

महेश्वर उवाच |
The great God said (to Parvati)

तपसा परमेणैव प्रकृतिं नाशयाम्यहम् |
प्रकृत्या रहितः शंभुरहं तिष्ठामि तत्त्वतः || 7 ||
With the highest penance I destroy the Prakriti. Free from Prakriti, I, Shiva, remain in my element.

This was asking for trouble. Now God gets an earful.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Parvati's Response

पार्वतीपरमेश्वरसंवादवर्णनं नाम त्रयोदशोऽध्यायः
Parvati - supreme God discussion description Chapter 13

भवान्युवाच |
Parvati said (to God)

सा शक्तिः प्रकृतिर्ज्ञेया सर्वेषामपि कर्मणाम् |
तया विरच्यते सर्वं पाल्यते च विनाश्यते || 3 ||
Know that energy as Prakriti which is also in all deeds (karma). With that everything is constructed, maintained and destroyed.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Shiva's thoughts on women

शिवहिमाचलसंवादवर्णनं नाम द्वादशोऽध्यायः
Shiva-Himalaya dialogue description Chapter 12

महेश्वर उवाच |
The great God (just opened the eyes and) said (to Himalaya)

अतस्तपस्विना शैल न कार्या स्त्रीषु संगतिः |
महाविषयमूलं सा ज्ञानवैराग्यनाशिनी || 33 ||
Mountain, therefore, an ascetic practising austerities should not have contact with women. She (any woman) is the cause of a lot of sense attachment and a destroyer of asceticism and knowledge.

God has said all this in front of Parvati. Now God gets a response from her.

Monday 8 October 2012

Mahadev forbidding Himalaya to bring young Parvati with him

शिवहिमाचलसंवादवर्णनं नाम द्वादशोऽध्यायः
Shiva-Himalaya dialogue description Chapter 12

महेश्वर उवाच |
The great God said (laughing, to Himalaya)

इयं कुमारी सुश्रोणी तन्वी चन्द्रानना शुभा |
नानेतव्या मत्समीपे वारयामि पुनः पुनः || 28 ||
This thin girl (Parvati) with a nice waist and an auspicious moon-like face shall not be brought near me – I forbid/warn you again and again.

Sunday 7 October 2012

Shiva-Himalaya Dialogue

शिवहिमाचलसंवादवर्णनं नाम द्वादशोऽध्यायः
Shiva-Himalaya dialogue description Chapter 12

महेश्वर उवाच |
The great God (just opened the eyes and) said (to Himalaya)

आगन्तव्यं त्वया नित्यं दर्शनार्थं ममाचल |
कुमारीं सदने स्थाप्य नान्यथा मम दर्शनम् || 24 ||
Mountain, you are (welcome) to come daily to see me, keeping the girl (Parvati) at (your) home, otherwise you don't get to see me.

Saturday 6 October 2012

Birth of Mars

भौमोत्पत्तिशिवलीलावर्णनं नाम दशमोऽध्यायः
Birth of Mars and Shiva behaviour description Chapter 10

ब्रह्मोवाच |
Brahma said (to Narada)

स बालो भौम इत्याख्यां प्राप्य भूत्वा युवा द्रुतम् |
तस्यां काश्यां चिरं कालं सिषेवे शङ्करं प्रभुं || 26 ||
विश्वेश्वरप्रसादेन ग्रहत्वं प्राप्य भूमिजः |
दिव्यं लोकं जगामाशु शुक्रलोकात्परं वरम् || 27 ||
The child got the name Bhauma (Mars, son of Bhumi - earth) after quickly becoming a youth (because the earth in the form of a good woman had adopted it), served Lord Shiva in Kashi for a long time. Through the kindness of the God of the universe, Bhauma got planethood (became a planet), went to a divine world quickly, which is better and higher than the world of Shukra (Venus).

Thursday 4 October 2012

Birth of Mars

भौमोत्पत्तिशिवलीलावर्णनं नाम दशमोऽध्यायः
Birth of Mars and Shiva behaviour description Chapter 10

ब्रह्मोवाच |
Brahma said (to Narada)

प्रभोर्ललाटदेशात्तु यत्पृषच्छ्रमसंभवम् |
पपात धरणौ तत्र स बभूव शिशुर्द्रुतम् || 14 ||
From the forehead region of the Lord a drop of sweat formed, which fell to the ground. There he (the drop of sweat) quickly became a child.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Shiva's Characteristics

नारदहिमालयसम्वादवर्णनं नामाष्टोऽध्यायः
Narada Himalaya dialogue description Chapter 8

ब्रह्मोवाच |
Brahma said (to Narada)

इत्याकर्ण्य वचस्ते हि सत्यं मत्वा च दम्पती |
मेना हिमाचलश्चापि दुःखितौ तौ बभूवतु || 12 ||
शिवाऽकर्ण्य वचस्ते हि तादृशं जगदम्बिका |
लक्षणैस्तं शिवं मत्वा जहर्षाति मुने हृदि || 13 ||
Having heard these statements, the couple really believed it to be true, (and) Mena and Himalaya also became unhappy. Sage, (on the other hand), the Mother of the universe Parvati having heard your statements, believed (figured) those characteristics to be of Shiva and became extremely joyous in her heart.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Qualities of Parvati's Husband

नारदहिमालयसम्वादवर्णनं नामाष्टोऽध्यायः
Narada Himalaya dialogue description Chapter 8

नारद उवाच |
Narada said (to Himalaya)

योगी नग्नोऽगुणोऽकामी मातृतातविवर्जितः |
अमानोऽशिववेषश्च पतिरस्याः किलेदृशः || 11 ||
Her husband (will be) a Yogi, naked, free of characteristics, free of desires, having no parents, humble, unauspiciously dressed – quite of this kind.

Monday 1 October 2012

Himalaya's Daughter

पार्वतीबाल्यलीलावर्णनं नाम सप्तमोऽध्यायः
Parvati's child behaviour description Chapter 7  

ब्रह्मोवाच |
Brahma said (to Narada)

अथो मुहूर्ते सुमते हिमवान्मुनिभिः सह |
नामाकरोत्सुतायास्तु कालीत्यादि सुखप्रदम् || 11 ||
At an auspicious time, with good thought, Himalaya with the sages gave his daughter a happiness-giving name Kali, etc.

Sunday 30 September 2012

Parvati's Birth

पार्वतीजन्मवर्णनं नाम षष्ठोऽध्यायः
Parvati birth description Chapter 6

देवा उचुः |
Devas said (to Goddess Parvati)

जगदम्ब महादेवि सर्वसिद्धिविधायिनि |
देवकार्यकरी त्वं हि सदाऽतस्त्वां नमामहे || 39 ||
सर्वथा कुरु कल्याणं देवानां भक्तवत्सले |
मेनामनोरथः पूर्णः कृतः कुरु हरस्य च || 40 ||
Mother of the universe, Great Goddess, the giver of all achievements (siddhis), you are the one who does the job of the Devas (particularly to get rid of Tarakasura by a son of Lord Shiva), therefore we always bow to you.
(You who are) kind to the devotees, (please) do good to the Devas in all ways. After fulfilling the wish of Mena, also fulfil (the wish) of Lord Shiva.

Saturday 29 September 2012

Mena's Boon

मेनावरलाभवर्णनं नाम पञ्चमोऽध्यायः
Mena's boon receiving Chapter 5

मेनोवाच |
Mena said (to the supreme Goddess Uma)

सुता भव मम शिवे देवकार्यार्थमेव हि |
रुद्रपत्नी भव तथा लीलां कुरु भवाम्बिके || 36 ||
Shivaa, become my daughter just for the purpose of the Devas (to get rid of Tarakasura by a son of Lord Shiva). Bhavambika (mother of the world), become the wife of Lord Rudra and act (in this world).

Friday 28 September 2012

Mena's Boon

मेनावरलाभवर्णनं नाम पञ्चमोऽध्यायः
Mena's boon receiving Chapter 5

ब्रह्मोवाच |
Brahma said (to Narada)

सप्तविंशतिवर्षान्ते जगन्माता जगन्मयी |
सुप्रीताऽभवदत्यर्थमुमा शङ्करकामिनी || 12 ||
At the end of 27 years (of penance of Mena), the Mother of the universe, in the form of the universe, Uma, the (future) wife of Lord Shiva, became very pleased.

Thursday 27 September 2012

Consolation of the Devas

देवसान्त्वनं नाम चतुर्थोऽध्यायः
Consolation of the Devas – Chapter 4

उमोवाच |
Uma said (to the Devas)

अवतारं करिष्यामि क्षितौ पूर्णं न संशय |
बहवो हेतवोऽप्यत्र तद्वदामि महादरात् || 25 ||
I will take a full incarnation on the earth, no doubt, for several reasons, which I will speak here with high respect.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Consolation of the Devas

देवसान्त्वनं नाम चतुर्थोऽध्यायः
Consolation of the Devas – Chapter 4

देवा उचुः |
Devas said (to the Goddess)

पूर्णं कुरु महेशानि निर्जराणां मनोरथम् |
सनत्कुमरवचनं सफलं स्याद्यथा शिवे || 17 ||
अवतीर्य क्षितौ देवि रुद्रपत्नी पुनर्भव |
लीलां कुरु यथायोग्यं प्राप्नुयुर्निर्जराः सुखम् || 18 ||
Great Goddess Shivaa, (please) fulfill the wishes of the Devas such that Sanatkumar's statement/promise (also) gets fulfilled. Goddess, incarnate on the earth, become the wife of Lord Rudra again, behave/act appropriately (so that) the Devas become happy.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Prayer of the Devas

देवस्तुतिर्नाम तृतीयोऽध्यायः
Prayer of the Devas – Chapter 3

देवा उचुः |
(Each of the) Devas said (praying to the supreme Goddess who is not present there)

देव्युमे जगताम्ब शिवलोकनिवासिनि |
सदा शिवप्रिये दुर्गे त्वां नमामि महेश्वरि || 26 ||
Goddess Uma, the mother of the universe, resident of Shivaloka, always favourite of Shiva, Durga, I bow to you.

In Uma Samhita, the supreme Goddess Uma is said to have Umaloka, above which is Shivaloka.

Monday 24 September 2012

Prayer of the Devas

देवस्तुतिर्नाम तृतीयोऽध्यायः 
Prayer of the Devas – Chapter 3

हिमालय उवाच |
Himalaya said (to Brahma, Vishnu and the Devas who have come to see him)

अद्य मे सफलं जन्म सफलं सुमहत्तपः |
अद्य मे सफलं ज्ञानमद्य मे सफलाः क्रियाः || 14 ||
Today my birth has become successful/fruitful, today my penance has become successful/fruitful, today my knowledge has become successful/fruitful, today my procedures have become successful/fruitful.

Sunday 23 September 2012

Parvati - Earlier History Description

पार्वतीखण्डे पुर्वगतिवर्णनं नाम द्वितीयोऽध्यायः
Parvati block, Earlier history description Chapter 2

सनत्कुमार उवाच |
Sanatkumar said (to the people assembled there)

विष्णोरंशस्य शैलस्य हिमाधारस्य कामिनी |
ज्येष्ठा भवतु तत्कन्या भविष्यत्येव पार्वती || 28 ||
धन्या प्रिया द्वितीया तु योगिनी जनकस्य च |
तस्याः कन्या महालक्ष्मीर्नाम्ना सीता भविष्यति || 29 ||
वृषभानस्य वैश्यस्य कनिष्ठा च कलावती |
भविष्यति प्रिया राधा तत्सुता द्वापरान्ततः || 30 ||
The eldest will become the wife (Maina) of the Himalaya, the mountain of a slight part of Vishnu. Parvati will become her daughter. Dhanya, the second will become the favourite wife (Sunayana) of Janaka, and Mahalakshmi with the name Sita will become her daughter. The youngest, Kalavati, will become the favourite wife of a Vaishya called Vrishabhan towards the end of Dwapara. Radha will be her daughter.

Saturday 22 September 2012


दक्षयज्ञानुसन्धानवर्णनं नाम त्रिचत्वारिंशोऽध्यायः
Daksha sacrifice continuation description Chapter 43

महादेव उवाच |
The great God said (to Daksha)

विधिभक्तिं विना नैव भक्तिर्भवति वैष्णवी |
विष्णुभक्ति विना मे न भक्ति क्वापि प्रजायते || 19 ||
Without devotion to Brahma, devotion to Vishnu does not happen. Without devotion to Vishnu, devotion to me is never born.

Friday 21 September 2012


दक्षयज्ञानुसन्धानवर्णनं नाम त्रिचत्वारिंशोऽध्यायः
Daksha sacrifice continuation description Chapter 43

महादेव उवाच |
The great God said (to Daksha)

चतुर्विधा भजन्ते मां जनाः सुकृतिनः सदा |
उत्तरोत्तरतः श्रेष्ठास्तेषां दक्ष प्रजापते || 4 ||
आर्तो जिज्ञासुरर्थार्थी ज्ञानी चैव चतुर्थकः |
पूर्वे त्रयश्च सामान्याश्चतुर्थो हि विशिष्यते || 5 ||
तत्र ज्ञानी प्रियतरो मम रुपश्च स स्मृतः |
तस्मात्प्रियतरो नान्यः सत्यं सत्यं वदाम्यहम् || 6 ||
ज्ञानगम्योऽहमात्मज्ञो वेदान्तश्रुतिपरगैः |
विना ज्ञानेन मां प्राप्तुं यतन्ते चाल्पबुद्धयः || 7 ||
People who do good always worship/praise me in four ways. Father of the people Daksha, among them (the following) are consecutively the best.
One in sorrow, one who wants to know (God), one who wants something materialistic and the knowledgeable (one who knows God) are the group of four. The former three are ordinary, but the fourth one is special.
There the knowledgeable is more favourite of mine, and is said to be of my form. Nobody else is more dear. Verily, I am telling the truth.
I am attainable by knowledge to the experts of Vedanta and Shrutis, a knower of the self. Without knowledge, only people with a small intelligence try to attain me.

Chapter 23 of Rudra Samhita, Sati block, shloka 38 says that there is no path as comfortable as the path of devotion in the three worlds, particularly in Kaliyuga.

त्रैलोक्ये भक्तिसदृशः पन्था नास्ति सुखावहः |
चतुर्युगेषु देवेशि कलौ तु सुविशेषतः || 38 ||

Chapter 3 of Vidyeshwara Samhita, shloka 12 is

एष देवो महादेवः सर्वज्ञो जगदीश्वरः |
अयं तु परया भक्त्या दृश्यते नान्यथा क्वचित् || 12 ||
This says that only by devotion can one see the great God, the omniscient God of the world, which might seem in conflict with the shloka 7 here. However, there is no conflict. Shloka 7 refers to the fourth kind of devotees. In other words, devotion cannot be circumvented; devotion is an absolute must.

Compare shloka 16 of chapter 7 of Bhagvad Gita

चतुर्विधा भजन्ते मां जनाः सुकृतिनोऽर्जुन |
आर्तो जिज्ञासुरर्थार्थी ज्ञानी च भरतर्षभ || 16 ||
The message is the same.

Thursday 20 September 2012

Daksha's Sorrow Removal

दक्षदुःखनिराकरणवर्णनं नाम द्विचत्वारिंशोऽध्यायः
Daksha's sorrow removal description Chapter 42

दक्ष उवाच |
Daksha said (to God)

देवदेव महादेव कृपां कुरु नमोऽस्तु ते |
अपराधं क्षमस्वाद्य मम शम्भो कृपानिधे || 34 ||
Great God, the God of the Devas, please do me a favour; I bow to you. Shiva, the ocean of mercy, forgive my offense now.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Vishnu Virabhadra Dialogue

विष्णुवीरभद्रसम्वादो नाम षट्त्रिंशोऽध्यायः
Vishnu Virabhadra dialogue Chapter 36

वीरभद्र उवाच |
Virabhadra said (threatening Lord Vishnu)

वक्षो विदारयिष्यामि त्रिशूलेन हरे तव | 53
Lord Vishnu, I will tear your heart/chest with the trident.

विष्णुरुवाच |
Lord Vishnu said (pleading to pacify Virabhadra)

अहं भक्तपराधीनस्तथा सोऽपि महेश्वरः |
दक्षो भक्तो हि मे तात तस्मादत्रागतो मखे || 60 ||
Like the great God, I also am dependent on the devotees (I have to be concerned about them). Daksha is my devotee, therefore I came here to the sacrifice.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Vishnu's Statement

विष्णुवाक्यवर्णनं नाम पञ्चत्रिंशोऽध्यायः
Vishnu statement description Chapter 35

विष्णुरुवाच |
Lord Vishnu said (to Daksha)

श्रीकालभैरवः काश्यां नखाग्रेणैव लीलया |
पुरा शिरश्च चिच्छेद पञ्चमं ब्रह्मणो ध्रुवम् || 52 ||
Lord Kalabhairava (a form of Rudra) in Kashi with the front part of (his) nails in the ancient past cut off the fifth head of Brahma certainly.

Monday 17 September 2012

Vishnu's Statement

विष्णुवाक्यवर्णनं नाम पञ्चत्रिंशोऽध्यायः
Vishnu statement description Chapter 35

विष्णुरुवाच |
Lord Vishnu said (to Daksha)

शरण्योऽस्माकमधुना नास्त्येव हि जगत्त्रये |
शंकरद्रोहिणो लोके कः शरण्यो भविष्यति || 45 ||
Now our shelter-giver does not exist indeed in the three worlds. To someone who dislikes Shiva, who would offer shelter in the world?

Sunday 16 September 2012

Vishnu's Statement

विष्णुवाक्यवर्णनं नाम पञ्चत्रिंशोऽध्यायः
Vishnu statement description Chapter 35

विष्णुरुवाच |
Lord Vishnu said (to Daksha)

अवज्ञा हि कृता दक्ष त्वया तत्वमजानता |
सकलाधीश्वरस्यैव शङ्करस्य परात्मनः || 7 ||
Daksha, unknowing the element, you ignored Shiva, the God of everyone, the supreme soul.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Nine Durgas

वीरभद्रयात्रावर्णनं नाम त्रयत्रिंशोऽध्यायः 
Virabhadra travel description Chapter 33

ब्रह्मोवाच |
Brahma said (to Narada)

काली कात्यायनीशानी चामुण्डा मुण्डमर्दिनी |
भद्रकाली तथा भद्रा त्वरिता वैश्णवी तथा || 11 ||
एताभिर्नवदुर्गाभिर्महाकाली समन्विता |
ययौ दक्षविनाशाय सर्वभूतगणैः सह || 12 ||
Kali, Katyayani, Ishani, Chamunda, Mundamardini, Bhadrakali, Bhadra, Tvarita and Vaishnavi – these nine Durgas (forms of Durga) along with Mahakali went to destroy Daksha (and his sacrifice) with all the follower ghosts.
In the Devi kavacham, taken from Markandeya Purana, the names are somewhat different.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Sky Voice

नभोवाणीवर्णनं नामैकत्रिन्शोऽध्यायः 
Sky voice description Chapter 31

व्योमवाण्युवाच |
Sky voice said

निर्गच्छ त्वं हरे शिघ्रमेतदध्वरमण्डपात् |
अन्यथा भवतो नाशो भविष्यत्यद्य सर्वथा || 34 ||
Vishnu, leave this mandapa (tent) of the sacrifice quickly, otherwise your all round destruction will take place today.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Sky Voice

नभोवाणीवर्णनं नामैकत्रिन्शोऽध्यायः
Sky voice description Chapter 31

व्योमवाण्युवाच |
Sky voice said

यत्पादपद्ममनिशं ध्यात्वा संपूज्य सादरम् |
विष्णुर्विष्णुत्वमापन्नस्तस्य शंभोः प्रिया सती || 22 ||
After meditating on whose worshippable lotus feet with respect, Vishnu obtained his characteristic (Vishnutva – Vishnuness), that Shiva's favourite is Sati.

Monday 10 September 2012

Sky Voice

नभोवाणीवर्णनं नामैकत्रिन्शोऽध्यायः
Sky voice description Chapter 31

व्योमवाण्युवाच |
Sky voice said

शंभुर्हि परमेशानः सर्वस्वामी परात्परः |
विष्णुब्रह्मादिसंसेव्यः सर्वकल्याणकारकः || 15 ||
Shiva is the supreme God, the Lord of everyone, superior to the supreme, worshipped by Vishnu, Brahma, etc., who does all good.

Sunday 9 September 2012

Sky Voice

नभोवाणीवर्णनं नामैकत्रिन्शोऽध्यायः 
Sky voice description Chapter 31

व्योमवाण्युवाच |
Sky voice said

सा सत्येव जगद्धात्री जगद्रक्षणकारिणी |
अनादिशक्तिः कल्पान्ते जगत्संहारकारिणी || 11 ||
सा सत्येव तपोधर्मदानादिफलदायिनी |
शम्भुशक्तिर्महादेवी दुष्टहन्त्री परात्परा || 13 ||
That indeed is Sati, the bearer of the world, the protector of the world, the primordial/original energy who causes the destruction of the world at the end of the kalpa. 
That indeed is Sati, who gives the fruit (reward) of tapa (austerities), dharma, charity, etc., Shiva's energy, the great Goddess, killer of the evil people, superior to the supreme.

Sati's Statement

सतीवाक्यवर्णनं नामैकोनत्रिन्शोऽध्यायः
Sati statement description Chapter 29

सत्युवाच |
Sati said

यस्य स्मरणमात्रेण सर्वं पूतं भवत्यहो |
विना तेन कृतं सर्वमपवित्रं भविष्यति || 11 ||
By remembering whom everything becomes holy, without him everything will become unholy.

यो निन्दति महादेवं निद्यमानं शृणोति वा |
तावुभौ नरकं यातौ यावच्चन्द्रदिवाकरौ || 38 ||
Those who criticise the great God or listen to the criticism, both those go to hell, (and stay there) as long as there are sun and moon.

Friday 7 September 2012

Sati's Travel

सतीयात्रावर्णनं नामाष्टाविन्शोऽध्यायः
Sati's travel description Chapter 28

महादेव उवाच |
God said (to Sati)

अनाहूताच्च ये देवि गच्छन्ति परमन्दिरम् |
अवमानं प्राप्नुवन्ति मरणादधिकं तथा || 26 ||
Goddess, those who go to someone's place uninvited (who are unwelcome) get insults, death or more.

Thursday 6 September 2012

Sacrifice Beginning

यज्ञप्रारंभो नाम सप्तविन्शोऽध्यायः
Sacrifice beginning Chapter 27

दधीचिरुवाच |
Dadhichi said (to everyone assembled there)

अयज्ञोऽयं महाजातो विना तेन शिवेन हि |
विनाशोऽपि विशेषेण ह्यत्र ते हि भविष्यति || 47 ||
Without Shiva, this has really become a non-sacrifice. In particular, your destruction will also take place here.

Earlier, milder words have not had an effect. Now it is time for decent people to leave the place.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Shiva Daksha Opposition

शिवेन दक्षविरोधो नाम षड्विन्शोऽध्यायः 
Shiva Daksha opposition Chapter 26

नन्दीश्वर उवाच |
Nandi said (to Daksha)

येनेदं पाल्यते विश्वं सृष्टमन्ते विनाशितम् |
शप्तोऽयं स कथं रुद्रो महेशो ब्राह्मणाधम || 24 ||
Lowest of the Brahmanas (Daksha), how is that Rudra, the great God, the one through whom the universe is maintained, created and destroyed in the end, cursed (by you)?

विनष्टानन्दकमुखो विस्मृतात्मगतिः पशुः |
भ्रष्टकर्मानयरतो दक्षो बस्तमुखोऽचिरात् || 39 ||
Having lost joy, having forgotten the path of his soul, he will become like an animal. Having lost the knowledge of proper karma, Daksha will have the head of a goat soon.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Shiva Daksha Opposition

शिवेन दक्षविरोधो नाम षड्विन्शोऽध्यायः
Shiva Daksha opposition Chapter 26

दक्ष उवाच |
Daksha said (to the assembly)

रुद्रो ह्ययं यज्ञ बहिष्कृतो मे वर्णेष्वतीतोऽथ विवर्णरूप |
देवैर्न भागं लभतां सहैव स्मशानवासी कुलजन्महीनः || 18 ||
Resident of crematoria, without any family or birth, this Rudra, beyond any caste (varna), in a form free of colour, is rejected by me from this sacrifice, and will not get a part unlike other Devas.

This curse is worthless but invites a heavy counter-curse.

Monday 3 September 2012


रामपरीक्षावर्णनं नाम चतुर्विन्शोऽध्यायः
Rama testing description Chapter 24

ब्रह्मोवाच |
Brahma said (to Narada)

आदिशक्तिः सती देवी शिवा सा परमेश्वरी |
शिवमायावशीभूत्वा पप्रच्छेत्थं शिवं प्रभुं || 35 ||
That primeval energy supreme Goddess Sati, Shivaa, under the control of Shivamaya (the force of illusion/confusion) asked God Shiva this (question).

The supreme Goddess Uma is Shivamaya herself. When she takes a human body in the form of Sati, even though a full incarnation, she becomes subject to the force of illusion. Even God himself in human form was affected to a small extent by this force.

Sunday 2 September 2012

Power of Devotion

भक्तिप्रभाववर्णनं नाम त्रयोविन्शोऽध्यायः
Devotion power description Chapter 23

शिव उवाच |
Shiva said (to Goddess Sati)

त्रैलोक्ये भक्तिसदृशः पन्था नास्ति सुखावहः |
चतुर्युगेषु देवेशि कलौ तु सुविशेषतः || 38 ||
Goddess of the Devas, in the three worlds, in the four yugas, particularly in Kaliyuga, no path is as comfortable/convenient as devotion.

Saturday 1 September 2012

Three little parts of the highest soul

सतीविवाहशिवलीलावर्णनं नामैकोनविन्शोऽध्यायः
Sati marriage and Shiva activity description Chapter 19

विष्णुरुवाच |
Lord Vishnu said (to Lord Shiva)

कस्त्वं कोऽहं च को ब्रह्मा तवैव परमात्मनः |
अंशत्रयमिदं भिन्नं सृष्टिस्थित्यन्तकारणम् || 72 ||
Who are you, who am I and who is Brahma? (We are) three separate little parts of you only, the highest soul, the cause of creation, maintenance and the end.

Friday 31 August 2012

Shiva's purpose/activity

सतीविवाहशिवलीलावर्णनं नामैकोनविन्शोऽध्यायः
Sati marriage and Shiva activity description Chapter 19

विष्णुरुवाच |
Lord Vishnu said (to Lord Shiva)

सृष्टिस्थित्यन्तकर्माणि करिष्यामः पुनः पुनः |
त्रयो देवा वयं नाथ शिवरूप त्वदाज्ञया || 54 ||
एतस्मिन्निहते शम्भो कस्त्वत्कर्म करिष्यति | 
तस्मान्न वध्यो भवता सृष्टिकृल्लयकृद्विभो || 55 ||
Shiva-form, we three Devas will carry out the creation, maintenance and destruction tasks again and again, on your order. Shiva, if you kill him (Lord Brahma), who will do your task? Therefore, creating and destroying God (Shiva), (he – Lord Brahma) should not be killed by you.

Thursday 30 August 2012

Three forms of Uma

ब्रह्मविष्णुसंवादो नाम दशमोऽध्यायः
Brahma Vishnu dialogue Chapter 10

महेश्वर उवाच |
The great God said (to Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu)

उमाया अपि रूपाणि भविष्यन्ति त्रिधा सुतौ || 56 ||
लक्ष्मीर्नाम हरेः पत्नी ब्रह्मपत्नी सरस्वती |
पूर्णरूपा सती नाम रुद्रपत्नी भविष्यति || 57 ||
Sons (Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu), Uma will also have three forms – Lakshmi as the wife of Hari, Brahma's wife Saraswati, and the complete form with the name Sati will be the wife of Rudra.

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Shiva and Shivaa

ब्रह्मविष्णुसंवादो नाम दशमोऽध्यायः
Brahma Vishnu dialogue Chapter 10

विष्णुरुवाच |
Lord Vishnu said (to Lord Brahma)

भक्ताधिनौ च तौ तात सुविज्ञेयौ शिवाशिवौ |
स्वेच्छया सगुणौ जातौ परब्रह्मस्वरुपिणौ || 46 ||
Shiva and Shivaa should be known well as dependent on (have to respond to) devotees, of the form of the supreme element, who have voluntarily become with form.

Tuesday 28 August 2012


ब्रह्मविष्णुसंवादो नाम दशमोऽध्यायः
Brahma Vishnu dialogue Chapter 10

विष्णुरुवाच |
Lord Vishnu said (to Lord Brahma)

शिवः सर्वस्वकर्ता हि भर्ता हर्ता परात्परः |
परब्रह्म परेशश्च निर्गुणो नित्य एव च || 35 ||
Shiva is really the creator of everything, maintainer and destroyer, above the highest, the supreme element, the highest God, as well as without form and eternal.

Monday 27 August 2012

The Character of Lord Shiva

ब्रह्मविष्णुसंवादो नाम दशमोऽध्यायः
Brahma Vishnu dialogue Chapter 10

ब्रह्मोवाच |
Brahma said (to Narada)

शृणु नारद सुप्रीतया चरित्रं शशिमौलिनः |
यस्य श्रवणमात्रेण निर्विकारो भवेन्नरः || 3 ||
Listen, Narada, with affection the character of Lord Shiva, which simply by listening, a man becomes free of defects (of desire, anger, greed, etc.).

Sunday 26 August 2012

Shiva cannot be caused moha

कामप्रभावमारगणोत्पत्तिवर्णनं नाम नवमोऽध्यायः
Kamadeva's might and Maragana arising description Chapter 9

काम उवाच |
Kamadeva said (to Lord Brahma) gloomily


ब्रह्मन् शम्भुर्मोहनियो न वै योगपरायण |
न शक्तिर्मम नान्यस्य तस्य शंभोर्हि मोहने || 7 ||
समित्रेण मया ब्रह्मन्नुपाया विविधाः कृताः |
रत्या सहाखिलास्ते च निष्फला अभवञ्छिवे  || 8 ||
Brahma, Yoga perfected Lord Shiva cannot be caused moha (illusion/infatuation). Neither my strength nor anyone else's can cause moha to Lord Shiva. Brahma, with my friend (Vasanta), I tried various means, and all the efforts with Rati (also) failed on Lord Shiva.

Saturday 25 August 2012

Worshipping Shambhu

सतीखन्डे संध्याचरित्रवर्णनं नाम पञ्चमोऽध्यायः
Sandhya character description Chapter 5

वसिष्ठ उवाच |
Vasishtha said (to Sandhya)

मन्त्रेणानेन देवेशं शंभुं भज शुभानने |
तेन ते सकलावाप्तिर्भविष्यति न संशयः || 62 ||
ॐ नमः शङ्करायेति ओमित्यन्तेन संततम् |
With this mantra "Om namah Shankaraya Om" continuously worship Shambhu, the God of the Devas with (your) auspicious mouth. With that you will no doubt get everything.

Friday 24 August 2012


रुद्रसंहितायां सृष्टिखंडे गुणनिधिसद्गतिवर्णनं नाम अष्टादशोऽध्यायः
Gunanidhi's rescue description Chapter 18

धर्मराज उवाच |
Yama said (to his assistants)

ये त्रिपुण्ड्रधरा लोके विभूत्या सितया गणाः |
ते सर्वे परिहर्तव्या नानेतव्या कदाचन || 44 ||
Assistants, those people in the (mortal) world whitened by vibhuti (holy ash) with a tripundra should be left alone and never brought here (to Yamapur).
The next few lines say that those having sprinkled vibhuti on them, dressed like Lord Shiva, or having a rudraksha on them while having tied the hair, also should be left alone and not brought here.

Thursday 23 August 2012

Worship Procedure

पुजाविधिवर्णने सारासारविचारवर्णनं नाम द्वादशोऽध्यायः
Worship procedure description, appropriateness thinking description Chapter 12


ब्रह्मोवाच |
Brahma said (to sage Narada)

यावच्च पातकं देहे तावत्सिद्धिर्न जायते |
गते च पातके तस्य सर्वं च सफलं भवेत् || 70 ||
As long as one has sins left while in the (human) body, no achievements come. And once the sins are gone, he succeeds in everything.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Supreme Shiva Element

परमशिवतत्त्ववर्णनं नाम दशमोऽध्यायः 
Supreme Shiva element description Chapter 10

विष्णुरुवाच |
Lord Vishnu said (to Lord Shiva)

त्वद्भक्तो यो भवेद्स्वामिन्मम प्रियतरो हि सः | 
एवं वै यो विजानाति तस्य मुक्तिर्न दुर्लभा || 31 || 
Lord, he who becomes your devotee really becomes more favourite to me. His liberation is not difficult, who knows this.

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Lord Vishnu's advice to Narada

नारदस्य विष्णूपदेशवर्णनं नाम चतुर्थोऽध्यायः 
Description of Lord Vishnu's advice to Narada - Chapter 4

विष्णुरुवाच |
Lord Vishnu said (to Narada)

गर्वापहर्ता स स्वामी शङ्करः परमेश्वरः || 30 ||
परं ब्रह्म परात्मा स सच्चिदानन्दबोधनः |
निर्गुणो निर्विकारी च रजःसत्त्वतमःपरः || 31 ||
That Lord who takes away pride is the Supreme God Shankara. He is the supreme element, the higher soul who gives sachchidananda, without form, without defects and is above (the characteristics of nature) rajas, sattva and tamas.

Monday 20 August 2012


विद्येश्वरसंहितायां साध्यसाधनखण्डे रुद्राक्षमहात्म्यवर्णनं नाम पञ्चविंशोऽध्यायः
Rudraksha importance description Chapter 25

शिव उवाच |
Shiva said (to supreme Goddess Parvati)

पुटाभ्यां चारुचक्षुर्भ्यां पतिता जलबिंदवः |
तत्राश्रुबिन्दवो जाता वृक्षा रुद्राक्षसंज्ञकाः || 7 ||
From the folds of (my) nice eyes drops of water fell. The trees that were born out of (grew from) the tear drops there are called/named as Rudraksha (Rudra eye).

Sunday 19 August 2012


विद्येश्वरसंहितायां साध्यसाधनखंडे भस्मधारणवर्णनं नाम चतुर्विंशोऽध्यायः
Wearing ash description Chapter 24

मध्यमानामिकांगुल्या मध्ये तु प्रतिलोमतः |
अंगुष्ठेन कृता रेखा त्रिपुंड्राख्याऽभिधीयते || 86 ||
Lines drawn with the middle finger, ring finger and in the middle, the thumb in the opposite order, are called the Tripundra.

Saturday 18 August 2012

The Name of Shiva

शिवेति नामदावाग्नेर्महापातकपर्वताः |
भस्मीभवंत्यनायासात्सत्यं सत्यं न संशयः || 23 ||

Large mountains of sin become (burnt to) ash with little effort by the huge fire in the form of the name of Shiva. No doubt, this is true. 

This same shloka repeats in the fourth chapter of Rudra Samhita, Srishtikhanda, shloka 45 as spoken by Lord Vishnu to Narada. A block of 20 shlokas repeat there with slight differences in one of them.

Friday 17 August 2012

Importance of Shiva's name

विद्येश्वरसंहितायां साध्यसाधनखंडे शिवनाममाहात्म्यवर्णनं नाम त्रयोविंशोऽध्यायः
Description of the importance of Shiva's name - Chapter 23

सूत उवाच |
Suta Goswami said

शिवनामविभूतिश्च तथा रुद्राक्ष एव च |
एतत्त्रयं महापुण्यं त्रिवेणीसदृशं स्मृतम् || 10 ||
Shiva's name, Vibhuti (holy ash) and Rudraksha seed – these three of high merit (holiness) are considered to be similar to the Triveni (confluence of three rivers at Prayag).

Thursday 16 August 2012

The Pranava

Chapter 17

सूत उवाच |
Suta Goswami said (to the sages)

प्रणवं द्विविधं प्रोक्तं सूक्ष्मस्थूलविभेदतः || 8 ||
सूक्ष्ममेकाक्षरं विद्यात्स्थूलं पंचाक्षरं विदुः | 9
The Pranava (Om) is said to be distinguished in two types: subtle and gross. Know the subtle one as one-lettered (Om); the gross one as five-lettered.
Panchakshara (five-lettered) in this Purana and generally is a synonym of Namah Shivaya.

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Higher Devotion

साध्यसाधनखण्डे तृतीयोऽध्यायः 
Chapter 3, Objective-means block

ब्रह्मोवाच |
Lord Brahma said (to the six sages who had gone to him to resolve their debate)

एष देवो महादेवः सर्वज्ञो जगदीश्वरः |
अयं तु परया भक्त्या दृश्यते नान्यथा क्वचित् || 12 ||
This (is the) deity, the Great Deity (God, Shiva), the omniscient God of the world. This (God is) but visible by higher devotion, not by any other means.
The second half of this shloka repeats in Vayaviya Samhita, Earlier/east part, Chapter 3, shloka 23.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Shiva Purana

माहात्म्य - श्रीस्कान्दे महापुराणे शिवपुराणमाहात्म्ये तन्महिमावर्णनं नाम प्रथमोऽध्यायः
Importance – Importance of Shiva Purana description in Shree Skanda MahaPurana – Chapter 1


सूत उवाच |
Suta Goswami said (to sage Shaunaka)


कलिव्यालमहात्रासविध्वन्सकरमुत्तमम् |
शैवं पुराणं परमं शिवेनोक्तं पुरा मुने || 8 ||
Sage, to destroy the large troubles of the snake like Kaliyuga, the best and supreme (is) Shiva's Purana, as spoken by Shiva in ancient times.

Monday 13 August 2012

The Stories of Shiva

रुद्रसंहितायां सृष्टिखंडे मुनिप्रश्नवर्णनं नाम प्रथमोऽध्यायः
Rudra Samhita, Creation block, Sage question description Chapter 1


सूत उवाच |
Suta Goswami said (to the sages)


सदाशिवकथाप्रश्नः पुरुषान्स्त्रिन्पुनाति हि |
वक्तारं पृच्छकं श्रोतॄञ्जाह्नवीसलिलं यथा || 22 ||
Like the water of river Ganga, a question about the stories of Shiva really purifies, makes holier men and women, the person who replies, the person who asks as well as the listeners.

Sunday 12 August 2012

Three Kinds of Body


सूत उवाच |

Suta Goswami said


शरीरं त्रिविधं ज्ञेयं स्थूलं सूक्ष्मं च कारणम् |
स्थूलं व्यापारदं प्रोक्तं सूक्ष्ममिंद्रियभोगदम् || 6 ||
कारणं त्वात्मभोगार्थं जीवकर्मानुरूपतः | 7


Know the body to be of three kinds: gross, subtle and causal. The gross body is said to be able to allow (people) to deal with (others), the subtle allows sense enjoyments. The causal body, according to one's karma, allows one to enjoy (realise) the soul (self).

Saturday 11 August 2012

The Highest Dharma

विद्येश्वरसंहितायां मुनिप्रश्नवर्णनं नाम प्रथमोऽध्यायः

Vidyeshwar Samhita, Sage question description Chapter 1

व्यास उवाच |

Vyasa said (to the sages)

परोपकारसदृशो नास्ति धर्मो परः खलु || 36 ||

There is really no similar or higher Dharma than doing good to others. 

Compare परहित बस जिनके मन माही | तिन्ह कंहू जग दुर्लभ कछु नाही || and परहित सरिस धर्म नहीं भाई | परपीड़ा सम नही अधमाई || from Ramayana.

Friday 10 August 2012

The Highest Objective

साध्यसाधनखण्डे तृतीयोऽध्यायः

Chapter 3, Objective-means block

मुनय ऊचुः |

The sages said (to Lord Brahma)

अथ किं परमं साध्यं किं वा तत्साधनं परम् |
साधकः कीदृशस्तत्र तदिदं ब्रूहि तत्त्वतः || 17 ||

And what is the highest objective (that which is most worth obtaining) or what is that best means (of achieving the objective)? What kind of candidate/aspirant (the one who tries to obtain) there, tell that in detail.

ब्रह्मोवाच |

Brahma said (to the six sages)

साध्यं शिवपदप्राप्तिः साधनं तस्य सेवनम् |
साधकस्तत्प्रसादाद्योऽनित्यादिफलनिःस्पृहः || 18 ||

The highest objective is to attain the level of Shiva (union with God). The means is his service. The candidate/aspirant, thanks to it, is one who does not desire the non-permanent (of the material world) fruits.

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Shiva Purana is very highly dear to God

एतच्छिवपुराणं हि शिवस्यातिप्रियं परम् |
भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदं ब्रह्मसंमितं भक्तिवर्द्धनम् || 50 ||

This Shiva Purana is really very highly dear to Lord Shiva. (It) gives enjoyments, liberation; (it) is similar to Brahma (the supreme element), and increases devotion.


The Jnana Yajna ends here. Any suggestions on the next activity are welcome. We have run out of volunteers, so unless volunteers are found in the next day or two, the activity related to Shiva Purana will come to an end in a couple of days.

One volunteer should at least be willing to post these translations once a day, and get someone else to do that when he/she cannot post on a particular day. Volunteers could consider other activities as well. For example, translating to other languages could be useful.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Listening to Shiva Purana once reduces sins to ashes

व्यासोपदेशश्रीशिवमहापुराणमाहात्म्यवर्णनं नामैकचत्वारिंशोऽध्यायः

Sage Vyasa's advice and greatness of Shree Shiva MahaPurana description - Chapter 41

व्यास उवाच |

Sage Vyasa said (to the sages)

एतच्छ्रुत्वा ह्येकवारं भवेत्पापं हि भस्मसात् |
अभक्तो भक्तिमाप्नोति भक्तो भक्तिसमृद्धिभाक् || 45 ||
पुनः श्रुते च सद्भक्तिर्मुक्तिस्स्याच्च श्रुतेः पुनः |
तस्मात्पुनःपुनश्चैव श्रोतव्यं हि मुमुक्षुभिः || 46 ||

On listening this (Shiva Purana) just once, sin reduces to ashes, a non-devotee obtains devotion, a devotee bears rich (a lot more) devotion.
And on listening again, (one gets) good devotion, and on listening again (a third time), liberation is achieved. Therefore, those who want liberation should really listen (to this Shiva Purana) again and again.

Monday 6 August 2012

Meditation is it, says Upamanyu to Lord Krishna

नास्ति ध्यानसमं तीर्थं नास्ति ध्यानसमं तपः |
नास्ति ध्यानसमो यज्ञस्तस्माद्ध्यानं समाचरेत् || 28 ||

There is no tirtha (place of pilgrimage) like meditation; there is no penance like meditation; there is no Yajna (sacrifice) like meditation; therefore meditation should be practised.

Sunday 5 August 2012

Even a little practice of Yoga destroys sins

अत्यल्पोऽपि यथा दीपः सुमहन्नाशयेत्तमः |
योगाभ्यासस्तथाल्पोऽपि महापापं विनाशयेत् || 26 ||

Just as a lamp, even if extremely small, destroys great darkness, similarly, even a little practice of Yoga destroys great sin.

Saturday 4 August 2012

Meditation is the key

शैवयोगवर्णनं नामैकोनचत्वारिंशोऽध्यायः

Shaiva Yoga description Chapter 39

उपमन्युरुवाच |

Upamanyu said (to Lord Krishna)

यस्मात्सौख्यं च मोक्षं च ध्यानादभयमाप्नुयात् |
तस्मात्सर्वं परित्यज्य ध्यानयुक्तो भवेन्नरः || 21 ||
नास्ति ध्यानं विना ज्ञानं नास्ति ध्यानमयोगिनः |
ध्यानं ज्ञानं च यस्यास्ति तीर्णस्तेन भवार्णवः || 22 ||

Since happiness, liberation and fearlessness are obtained by
meditation, therefore a man may give up everything (and) then become
There is no (higher) knowledge without meditation; one who is not a
Yogi cannot meditate. One who has meditation and (higher) knowledge
has swam across the sea of the material world.

Friday 3 August 2012

Sagarbha and Agarbha Pranayama

अगर्भश्च सगर्भश्च प्राणायामो द्विधा स्मृतः |
जपं ध्यानं विनागर्भः सगर्भस्तत्समन्वयात् || 33 ||
अगर्भाद्गर्भसंयुक्तः प्राणायामःशताधिकः |
तस्मात्सगर्भं कुर्वन्ति योगिनः प्राणसंयमम् || 34 ||

Pranayama is said to be of two kinds – Sagarbha and Agarbha. Without
japa (chanting) and meditation (is) Agarbha, Sagarbha is with that
(japa and meditation).
Sagarbha is hundred times more (valuable) than Agarbha. Therefore
Yogis do Sagarbha Pranayama.

Recall shloka 30 of Chapter 14 of Vayaviya Samhita, later part which
says that japa with Pranayama is called Sagarbha japa.

प्राणायामसमायुक्तस्सगर्भो जप उच्यते | 30

Thursday 2 August 2012

Five parts of Yama

अहिंसा सत्यमस्तेयं ब्रह्मचर्यापरिग्रहः |
यम इत्युच्यते सद्भिः पंचावयवयोगतः || 18 ||

Non-violence, truth, not stealing, celibacy, not collecting – this is
said to be Yama with its five parts by the good (people).

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Eight limbs of Yoga

योगगतिवर्णनं नाम सप्तत्रिंशोऽध्यायः

Yoga progress description Chapter 37

उपमन्युरुवाच |

Upamanyu said (to Lord Krishna)

यमश्च नियमश्चैव स्वस्तिकाद्यं तथासनम् || 14 ||
प्राणायामः प्रत्याहारो धारणा ध्यानमेव च |
समाधिरिति योगांगान्यष्टावुक्तानि सूरिभिः || 15 ||

Yama and Niyama, then Swastikasana, etc. asanas, Pranayama,
Pratyahara, Dharana, just Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi – these are
said to be the eight limbs of Yoga by the wise.

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Lord Shiva is the same as the Pranava

हरिविधिमोहनिवारणं नाम पंचत्रिंशोऽध्यायः

Removal of the illusion/confusion of Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma – Chapter 35

उपमन्युरुवाच |

Upamanyu said (to Lord Krishna)

शिवो हि प्रणवो ह्येष प्रणवो हि शिवः स्मृतः || 43 ||

Lord Shiva himself is the Pranava (the primordial sound Om); this
Pranava itself is called Lord Shiva.

Shloka 28 of Chapter 48 of Parvati block of Rudra Samhita says just
the same thing in slightly different words.

शिवो नादमयः सत्यं नादः शिवमयस्तथा |
उभयोरन्तरं नास्ति नादस्य च शिवस्य च || 28 ||

Monday 30 July 2012

Five cow mothers

शिवमहास्तोत्रवर्णनं नामैकत्रिंशोऽध्यायः

Shiva Mahastotra description Chapter 31

उपमन्युरुवाच |

Upamanyu said (to Lord Krishna)

नंदा सुनंदा सुरभिः सुशीला सुमनास्तथा |
पंचगोमातरस्त्वेताश्शिवलोके व्यवस्थिताः || 144 ||

Nandaa, Sunandaa, Surabhi, Sushilaa and Sumanaa – these five cow mothers are situated in Shivaloka.

This is the longest chapter in Shiva Purana, consisting of 189 shlokas.

Sunday 29 July 2012

No Dharma as good as worship of Lord Shiva

न शिवार्चनतुल्योऽस्ति धर्मोऽन्यो भुवनत्रये | 23

In the three worlds there is no other Dharma as good as worship of Lord Shiva.

Saturday 28 July 2012

Importance of the five-lettered mantra

भक्त्या पंचाक्षरेणैव यः शिवं सकृदर्चयेत् |
सोपि गच्छेच्छिवस्थानं शिवमन्त्रस्य गौरवात् || 6 ||

One who worships Lord Shiva with the five-lettered (mantra) with devotion, he too attains the place of Lord Shiva because of the weight/importance of the Shiva mantra.

Friday 27 July 2012

Upamanyu gives a mantra to Lord Krishna

सांगोपांगपूजाविधानवर्णनं नाम षड्विंशोऽध्यायः

Bodily worship performing description Chapter 26

उपमन्युरुवाच |

Upamanyu said (to Lord Krishna)

कृत्वापि सुमहत्पापं भक्त्या पंचाक्षरेण तु |
पूजयेद्यदि देवेशं तस्मात्पापात्प्रमुच्यते || 4 ||

After committing a grave sin, if (one) worships the God of the Devas with devotion by the five-lettered mantra, (he) is released from that sin.

Thursday 26 July 2012

Humans give up sin on contact with a Guru

यथेह वह्निसंपर्कान्मलं त्यजति काञ्चनम् || 26 ||
तथैव गुरुसंपर्कात्पापं त्यजति मानवः |
यथा वह्निसमीपस्थो घृतकुम्भो विलीयते || 27 ||

Just as gold gives up dirt on contact with fire in this world, very similarly a human gives up sin on contact with a Guru. Just as a pot of ghee melts away (disappears) when (placed) near fire (similarly do the sins slowly melt away or disappear in vicinity of a Guru).

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Guru's home is a temple

गुरोर्गृहे समक्षं वा न यथेष्टासनो भवेत् |
गुरुर्देवो यतः साक्षात्तद्गृहं देवमन्दिरम् || 25 ||

At the home of or in front of the Guru, (one) should not sit as one pleases. Since Guru is a visible Deva, that house/home is a temple.

Tuesday 24 July 2012

A good disciple does not violate any Guru's instruction even mentally

गुरुमाहात्म्यं नाम पञ्चदशोऽध्यायः

Guru's importance Chapter 15

उपमन्युरुवाच |

Upamanyu said (to Lord Krishna)

श्रेयोऽर्थी यदि गुर्वाज्ञां मनसापि न लंघयेत् |
गुर्वाज्ञापालको यस्माज्ज्ञानसंपत्तिमश्नुते || 23 ||

If a good disciple does not violate any Guru's instruction even mentally, from that the follower of Guru's instructions (he) obtains knowledge and prosperity.

Monday 23 July 2012

Even if not given by Guru, the five-lettered mantra does not fail

अनादिष्टोऽपि गुरुणा मन्त्रोऽयं न च निष्फलः | 64

And even uninstructed (not given) by Guru, this (five-lettered) mantra does not fail.

Sunday 22 July 2012

No higher means of rescue in Kaliyuga than the five-lettered mantra

सदाचारविहीनस्य पतितस्यान्त्यजस्य च |
पंचाक्षरात्परं नास्ति परित्राणं कलौ युगे || 62 ||

Of (a person) without good behaviour, of a fallen (person), of a person of low quality, there is no higher means of rescue in Kaliyuga than the five-lettered mantra.

Saturday 21 July 2012

Sagarbha and Agarbha chanting

प्राणायामसमायुक्तस्सगर्भो जप उच्यते | 30

Chanting combined with Pranayama (kumbhaka part) is called Sagarbha (chanting, else is called Agarbha chanting).

Friday 20 July 2012

Devotion and 1008 Guru Mantra chants

पंचाक्षरमहिमावर्णनं नाम चतुर्दशोऽध्यायः

Description of the greatness of the five-lettered mantra – Chapter 14

ईश्वर उवाच |

God said (to the supreme Goddess)

यावज्जीवं जपेन्नित्यमष्टोत्तरसहस्रकम् |
अनन्यस्तत्परो भूत्वा स याति परमां गतिम् || 17 ||

As long as a living being chants (the Guru given mantra) a thousand
and eight times everyday eagerly after completely devoting oneself, he
attains the highest state.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Worthwhile life with Namah Shivaya

नमस्कारादिसंयुक्तं शिवायेत्यक्षरत्रयम् |
जिह्वाग्रे वर्तते यस्य सफलं तस्य जीवितम् || 36 ||

अंत्यजो वाधमो वापि मूर्खो वा पंडितोऽपि वा |
पंचाक्षरजपे निष्ठो मुच्यते पापपंजरात् || 37 ||

इत्युक्तं परमेशेन देव्या पृष्टेन शूलिना |
हिताय सर्वमर्त्यानां द्विजानां तु विशेषतः || 38 ||

One on whose front of the tongue exists the triplet of letters Shivaya
with Namah in the beginning, his living (his life) is successful (has
been worthwhile).

A person of the lowest caste or a person of lowest quality or a fool
or even a scholar (if) oriented towards chanting the five-lettered
mantra, gets released from the cage of sins.

Such (was) spoken by the supreme God Shiva (holding the spear) on
being asked by the Goddess, for the good of all mortals, but
particularly for Brahmins.

Tuesday 17 July 2012

The six-lettered Shiva-sentence

एतावत्तु शिवज्ञानमेतावत्परमं पदम् |
यदोंनमश्शिवायेति शिववाक्यं षडक्षरम् || 20 ||

This much is the knowledge about Lord Shiva; this is the highest
state, which is Om Namah Shivaya, the six-lettered Shiva-sentence.

Shloka 34 of chapter 17 in Vidyeshwara Samhita mentioned that the
five-lettered mantra should always be chanted with the Pranava (Om) in
the beginning.

Monday 16 July 2012

Greatness/importance of the five-lettered mantra

पंचाक्षरमाहात्म्यवर्णनं नाम द्वादशोऽध्यायः

Description of the greatness/importance of the five-lettered mantra – Chapter 12

उपमन्युरुवाच |

Upamanyu said (to Lord Krishna)

पंचाक्षरस्य माहात्म्यं वर्षकोटिशतैरपि |
अशक्यं विस्तराद्वक्तुं तस्मात्संक्षेपतः शृणु || 2 ||

It is impossible to speak of the importance of the five-lettered
mantra (Namah Shivaya) in (full) detail in even ten million years.
Therefore, hear (it) in short.

Sunday 15 July 2012

Mind fixed on Lord Shiva

शिवज्ञानवर्णनं नामैकादशोऽध्यायः

Description of the knowledge about Lord Shiva – Chapter 11

उपमन्युरुवाच |

Upamanyu said (to Lord Krishna)

नैकाग्रं चेच्छिवे चित्तं किं कृतेनापि कर्मणा |
एकाग्रमेव चेच्चित्तं किं कृतेनापि कर्मणा || 53 ||

तस्मात्कर्माण्यकृत्वा वा कृत्वा वांतर्बहिःक्रमात् |
येन केनाप्युपायेन शिवे चित्तं निवेशयेत् || 54 ||

If the mind does not get fixed on Lord Shiva, what is the use of even
doing (various) deeds? And if the mind does get fixed on Lord Shiva,
(then also) what is the use of even doing (various) deeds?

Therefore after doing or not doing (various) deeds internally or
externally, by some means or the other, the mind should be fixed on
Lord Shiva.

Saturday 14 July 2012

Devotion to achieve proximity of God

पत्रं पुष्पं फलं तोयं यो मे भक्त्या प्रयच्छति |
तस्याहं न प्रणश्यामि स च मे न प्रणश्यति || 72 ||

One who gives me a leaf, a flower, a fruit (or) water with devotion –
I do not keep away from him and he does not disappear from me.

These half-shlokas appear in Bhagavad Gita in two places. The first
line is in Chapter 9, shloka 26 and the second one is in Chapter 6,
shloka 30. Chapter 9, shloka 26 of Bhagavad Gita. Same appears also in
Bhagavat Purana, skandha 10, Chapter 81, shloka 4.

Friday 13 July 2012

Literate Vs Devotee

न मे प्रियश्चतुर्वेदी मद्भक्तो श्वपचोऽपि यः | 71

One who knows four Vedas is not my favourite (but) my devotee (is a
favourite) even if a dog eater.

Thursday 12 July 2012

Worship: 2 types and 3 ways

द्विधा मत्पूजनं ज्ञेयं बाह्यमाभ्यंतरं तथा |
वाङ्मनःकायभेदाच्च त्रिधा मद्भजनं विदुः || 47 ||

My worship should be known to be of two kinds, external and internal,
(and is) known to be (done in) three ways – by speech, by mind and by
the body.

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Liberation through Yoga

वैराग्याज्जायते ज्ञानं ज्ञानाद्योगः प्रवर्तते || 36 ||
योगज्ञः पतितो वापि मुच्यते नात्र संशयः | 37

From non-attachment emerges knowledge, from knowledge, Yoga prevails.
One who knows Yoga, even if fallen, get released (liberated from the
cycle of births and deaths), there is no doubt about this.

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Dharma and Yoga

ज्ञानं क्रिया च चर्या च योगश्चेति सुरेश्वरि |
चतुष्पादः समाख्यातो मम धर्मस्सनातनः || 30 ||

पशुपाशपतिज्ञानं ज्ञानमित्यभिधीयते |
षडध्वशुद्धिर्विधिना गुर्वधीना क्रियोच्यते || 31 ||

वर्णाश्रमप्रयुक्तस्य मयैव विहितस्य च |
ममार्चनादिधर्मस्य चर्या चर्येति कथ्यते || 32 ||

मदुक्तेनैव मार्गेण मय्यवस्थितचेतसः |
वृत्त्यंतरनिरोधो यो योग इत्यभिधीयते || 33 ||

Goddess of the Devas, knowledge, Kriya/procedures and
Charya/conduct/behaviour and Yoga – these are called the four legs of
my eternal Dharma.

Knowledge of pashu (being), cord (that which ties a living being),
lordship is called knowledge. Shadadhva purification (initiation)
procedure depending on a Guru is called Kriya (procedure).

Behaviour according to Varnashrama Dharma determined by me only and
activities related to my worship, etc. is called Charya (conduct).

On the path spoken by me, with the mind fixed in me,
suppression/prevention of chitta/thinking, that is called Yoga.

Bhagavat Purana lists truth, compassion, penance and charity as the
four legs of Dharma in one shloka, and austerity, purity, mercy and
truth in another shloka.

Monday 9 July 2012

Faith controls the God

शिवभक्तिवर्णनं नाम दशमोऽध्यायः

Devotion to Lord Shiva – description Chapter 10

ईश्वर उवाच |

God said (to the supreme Goddess Parvati)

न कर्मणा न तपसा न जपैर्नासनादिभिः |
न ज्ञानेन न चान्येन वश्योऽहं श्रद्धया विना || 15 ||

श्रद्धा मय्यस्ति चेत्पुंसां येन केनापि हेतुना |
वश्यः स्पृश्यश्च दृश्यश्च पूज्यस्संभाष्य एव च || 16 ||

साध्या तस्मान्मयि श्रद्धा मां वशीकर्तुमिच्छता |
श्रद्धा हेतुस्स्वधर्मस्य रक्षणं वर्णिनामिह || 17 ||

स्ववर्णाश्रमधर्मेण वर्तते यस्तु मानवः |
तस्यैव भवति श्रद्धा मयि नान्यस्य कस्यचित् || 18 ||

I am not brought under control without faith, not by deeds, not by
penance, not by japa (chanting), not by postures, etc., not by
knowledge and not by other (means).

If one has faith in me for just any purpose, for controlling, for
touching, for seeing, and for worshiping and for hearing (me), (it can
control me).

Those who want to control me should therefore try to achieve my faith.
To achieve that faith, (one should) protect/follow one's Varnashrama
Dharma (duties of different professions at different ages) on the

A human who follows his Varnashrama Dharma, only he gets my faith, and
nobody else.

Sunday 8 July 2012

Perishable living beings, eternal unchanging Soul

पशुपतित्वज्ञानयोगो नाम पंचमोऽध्यायः

Pashupati lordship knowledge Chapter 5

उपमन्युरुवाच |

Upamanyu said (to Lord Krishna)

क्षरस्सर्वाणि भूतानि कूटस्थोऽक्षर उच्यते | 11

All living beings (are) perishable/temporary, (while) the unchanging
(supreme soul) is called eternal/permanent.

The same half-shloka appears in Bhagavad Gita in Chapter 15, shloka 16.

Saturday 7 July 2012

Whole Universe is of the form of energy

तस्माच्छक्तिमयं सर्वं जगत्स्थावरजंगमम् | 29

Therefore the whole universe, living and non-living beings, is of the
form of energy.

यथा न जायते पुत्रः पितरं मातरं विना |
तथा भवं भवानीं च विना नैतच्चराचरम् | 37

Just as a son is not born without a father (and) a mother, there
(would be) no living and non-living beings (world) without Lord Shiva
and the supreme Goddess Uma.

Friday 6 July 2012

Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva

गौरीशंकरविभूतियोगो नाम चतुर्थोऽध्यायः

Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva greatness Chapter 4

उपमन्युरुवाच |

Upamanyu said (to Lord Krishna)

एवं परस्परापेक्षा शक्तिशक्तिमतोः स्थिता |
न शिवेन विना शक्तिर्न शक्त्या च विना शिवः || 12 ||

In this way (just as sunlight and sun) Goddess Shakti and Shaktiman
(Lord Shiva) exist depending on each other. No Lord Shiva without
Goddess Shakti and no Goddess Shakti without Lord Shiva.

Thursday 5 July 2012

Maya, Pashus and Pashupati

वायवीयसंहितायामुत्तरभागे कृष्णपुत्रप्राप्तिवर्णनं नाम द्वितीयोऽध्यायः

Vayaviya Samhita, Later/north part, Lord Krishna's son obtaining
description Chapter 2

उपमन्युरुवाच |

Upamanyu said (to Lord Krishna)

ब्रह्माद्याः स्थावरांताश्च देवदेवस्य शूलिनः |
पशवः परिकीर्त्यंते संसारवशवर्तिनः || 11 ||
तेषां पतित्वाद्देवेशः शिवः पशुपतिः स्मृतः |
मलमायादिभिः पाशैः स बध्नाति पशून्पतिः || 12 ||
स एव मोचकस्तेषां भक्त्या सम्यगुपासितः | 13

From Lord Brahma to stationary things, under the control of the
material world (or Maya), are called the "pashus" of Lord Shiva, the
God of the Devas.
Because of his lordship over them, Lord Shiva is considered to be the
"Pashupati". The Lord ties/binds the "pashus" with the cord of Maya
(the illusion causing power), dirt, etc.
He only is their liberator, (if) worshipped properly by devotion.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Vayudeva on Upamanyu's penance

वायुरुवाच |

Vayudeva said (to the sages)

भक्त्या पञ्चाक्षरेणैव पत्रैः पुष्पैर्वनोद्भवैः |
समभ्यर्च्य चिरं कालं चचार परमं तपः || 54 ||

Worshipping (a Shivalinga made of clay/mud) with leaves and flowers
which grow in the forest with the five-lettered (mantra) with devotion
for a long time, (Upamanyu) practised penance of the highest level
(consuming only wind, not food).

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Vedic Mantra's Protection

मंत्रं च ते मया दत्तं गृहाण मदनुज्ञया |
अनेनैवाशु जप्तेन रक्षा तव भविष्यति || 49 ||

And take the mantra given by me by my authorisation. By chanting only
this (mantra) quickly your protection will take place.

Monday 2 July 2012

Upamanyu's penance description

उपमन्युतपोवर्णनं नाम चतुस्त्रिंशोऽध्यायः

Upamanyu's penance description Chapter 34

मातोवाच |

(Upamanyu's) mother said (to Upamanyu)

तस्मान्मन्त्रान्तरांस्त्यक्त्वा पंचाक्षरपरो भव |
तस्मिञ्जिह्वांतरगते न किंचिदिह दुर्लभम् || 46 ||

Therefore (since this mantra is powerful and can protect you always)
forget other mantras and become engrossed in the five-lettered (Namah
Shivaya). Once it gets on your tongue nothing is difficult to get in
this world.

Chapter 32 of Shatarudra Samhita contains the same story and has some
similar shlokas.

Sunday 1 July 2012

Material world of Suffering

दुःखमेव हि सर्वोऽपि संसार इति निश्चितम् |
कथं दुःखमदुःखं स्यात्स्वभावो ह्यविपर्ययः || 83 ||

The whole material world is (a synonym of) suffering only, that is
certain. How would suffering (material world) become non-suffering, a
nature which is really contrary/opposite?

Saturday 30 June 2012

The remedy of this disease is knowledge

अस्य रोगस्य भैषज्यं ज्ञानमेव न चापरम् |
भिषगाज्ञापकः शम्भुश्शिवः परमकारणम् || 81 ||

The remedy of this disease (samsara, the material world) is only knowledge and nothing else. The prescriber of the medicine is Lord Shiva, the ultimate cause.

Friday 29 June 2012

Lotuses do not grow equally even though the sun shines equally on them

हिते सदा नियुक्तं तु सर्वं चिदचिदात्मकम् |
स्वभावप्रतिबन्धं तत्समं न लभते हितम् || 54 ||
यथा विकाशयत्येव रविः पद्मानि भानुभिः |
समं न विकसन्त्येव स्वस्वभावानुरोधतः || 55 ||

(Lord Shiva is) involved in doing good always to good as well as bad (living beings) but because of one's characteristics/nature, one does not get the same amount of benefit.
Just as the sun radiates its brilliance (equally) on lotuses (but they) do not grow equally according to their characteristics/natures.

Thursday 28 June 2012

Purity of souls comes from contact with Lord Shiva

ज्ञानोपदेशो नामैकत्रिंशोऽध्यायः

Knowledge advice Chapter 31

वायुरुवाच |

Vayudeva said (to the sages)

इति नाग्निरसौ दुष्येत्ताम्रसंसर्गकारणात् |
नाग्नेरशुचिसंसर्गादशुचित्वमपेक्षते || 44 ||
अशुचेस्त्वग्निसंयोगाच्छुचित्वमपि जायते |
एवं शोध्यात्मसंसर्गान्न ह्यशुद्धः शिवो भवेत् || 45 ||
शिवसंसर्गतस्त्वेष शोध्यात्मैव हि शुध्यति |

In this way the fire does not get polluted/corrupted because of the contact of copper. Fire does not get impure by the contact with impure (things).
But purity arises in the impure by the contact with fire. In this (same) way, Lord Shiva does not become impure by contact with a soul which needs to be purified. Only this soul which needs to be purified get purified by contact with Lord Shiva.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Aakuti and Prasuti, the two daughters of Manu and Shatarupa

सृष्टिकथनं नाम सप्तदशोऽध्यायः

Telling about creation – Chapter 17

वायुरुवाच |

Vayudeva said (to the sages)

कन्ये द्वे च महाभागे याभ्यां जातास्त्विमाः प्रजाः |
आकूतिरेका विज्ञेया प्रसूतिरपरा स्मृता || 6 ||
स्वायंभुवः प्रसूतिं च ददौ दक्षाय तां प्रभुः |
रुचेः प्रजापतिश्चैव चाकूतिं समपादयत् || 7 ||

And the two girls (daughters of Manu and Shatarupa) of great fortune from whom these people were born should be known as one Aakuti and the other known as Prasuti.
And Lord Svayambhuva (Manu) gave that Prasuti to Daksha and Aakuti was submitted to Ruchi Prajapati indeed.

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Supreme Goddess asked to become the daughter of Daksha

ब्रह्मोवाच |

Brahma said (to the supreme Goddess)

दक्षस्य मम पुत्रस्य पुत्री भव भवार्दिनि | 21

of the world, become my son Daksha's daughter.

Like Lord Krishna who is also called Janardana, the supreme Goddess is called Bhavardini here, which literally translates to "tormentor of the world". The supreme Goddess being the Mahamaya, the force of illusion, can be considered to be the cause of suffering in the world.

Shloka 22 of Chapter 3 of Shatarudra Samhita is similar.

दक्षस्य मम पुत्रस्य पुत्री भव भवाम्बिके ||

Instead of Bhavardini, the word used here is Bhavambika, the mother of the world.

Monday 25 June 2012

Chapter 16 (Continued)

यस्यां न खलु विद्यंते जन्ममृत्युजरादयः |
या भवानी भवस्यांगात्समाविरभवत्किल || 8 ||

That Bhavani whose birth, death, old age, etc. does not exist (is the one) who appeared/emerged really from a part of the body of Lord Shiva.

Sunday 24 June 2012

The great God created the supreme Goddess from a part of his body

देवीशक्त्युद्भवो नाम षोडशोऽध्यायः
Emergence of the Goddess Shakti Chapter 16
वायुरुवाच |
Vayudeva said (to the sages)
इत्युक्त्वा परमोदारं स्वभावमधुरं वचः |
ससर्ज वपुषो भागाद्देवीं देववरो हरः || 6 ||
Having said that (to Lord Brahma "I am very satisfied; I will give you what you wish") in his naturally sweet speech, highly generous, Lord Shiva, the best of the deities, created Goddess (Uma) from a part (of his) body.
Shloka 13 of Chapter 3 of Shatarudra Samhita is very similar.
इत्युक्त्वा परमोदारं स्वभावमधुरं वचः |
पृथक्चकार वपुषो भागाद्देवीं शिवां शिवः ||